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The methodical decade has begun
"Improving Educational Programs Based on Professional Standards and New Training Paradigms"
The purpose of the methodical decade is to increase the professional competence of the teaching staff, the application of their pedagogical experience in the conditions of professional standards in the AtSU named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov.

Happy new year!
A course of the "Nursultan" educational center was held
On November 27-29, Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov organized the republican educational center "Nursultan" as part of the theme "Formation of skills and abilities of teachers of higher education in the teaching process, using new pedagogical technologies as a result of studying innovative technologies". a three-day advanced education course.
The contest "The Best translator"
Аt the Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov at the Faculty of Multilingual Education the contest "The Best Translator" was held in three languages, on the topic of modern requirements for trilingual education. The organizer of this competition was Nabidollakyzy A teacher, master of the department "Translation study and Foreign Languages".
“History of the region and current problems of regional studies”
On December 24, 2019, the city of Atyrau hosted a scientific round table “History of the region and current problems of regional studies”.

Say no to corruption!
Say no to corruption!
Pragmatism - a symbol of the true culture
On December 13, 4th year students of specialty 5B050600 Economics at the ISPACE Coordination Center organized a round table entitled “Pragmatism is a symbol of true culture” as part of President N. Nazarbayev’s program “Towards the Future:“ Spiritual Renewal ”. Tutor - Master of Economics Tlepova Gulaym Berdygaliyevna.

Professor foreigner at our university
In Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov arrived Ph.D Salikh Okumuş.
Open Day of SWAPTEL
On December 5, 2019, the Open Day of SWAPTEL Laboratory was held at Atyrau State University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov.
Open Day passed at City Maslikhat
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan declared 2019 the Year of Youth.