



Congratulations to the leading scientist of our university, academician of the International Academy of ecology and life safety (MANEB) and the Russian Academy of natural sciences, laureate of the International isesko (ISESCO) prize, professor, doctor of biological sciences Sagyndykova Sofia Zulkharnaevna on obtaining a Eurasian patent on the topic: «Method of obtaining a fermented milk drink from camel milk».



Students of 2 and 3 courses of specialty Foreign languages: two foreign languages participated in the international video competition (15.10-27.11.2020) organised by Goethe-Institut in Kazakhstan. During the first online Digital conference of German language teachers, students of the group 201-3 Olzhayeva D and Esenova M were honoured to win the prize for the best work in the competition. We congratulate our students and wish more victories ahead!




Congratulations on the successful performance of the students of our university in the autumn series of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad for the 2020-2021 academic year!

Dear colleaques!


On November 25, 2020, the international company Clarivate held the annual ceremony of awarding the independent international Web of Science Award "Leader of science" 2020. As part of this event, our Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University won the independent award "Leader of science - Web of Science Award" in the category "Top regional universities" according to the international information and analytical platform Web of Science.




    Professor of Atyrau University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov A. Samsonov at the suggestion of the acting Director of the Institute of History and Ethnography, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of NAS RK Kabuldinov Sebeka of Almuhanovich became a member of the Commission on the correct interpretation of pedagogical facts and event, a single writing pedagogical fact in the development of Model curricula and textbooks on the theory of Kazakhstan the Republican scientific-practical center "Textbook".


Prize-winning places of our artists

Prize-winning places of our artists


Teachers of the Department of Fine Arts and Design of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov Kamberbek Amanov, Aisa Utaraliyev, Otarbay Kendir, Orazbay Karabalin took part in the regional exhibition-review of artists on the theme "Medieval Sarayshyk - the capital of the Kazakh country".