Х. Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
The head – Kukkuzova Elmira Izteleuovna
Office: 219a
Phone: 27-63-37
e-mail: e.kukkuzova@asu.edu.kz
Time table of classes, The registrar's office carries out registration of students in academic disciplines and teachers; the formation of academic group sandstreams; registration of individual curricula of students; organization and conduct of intermedia teand final certification of students; calculation of the academicrating of students, group sand faculty of the university; accounting for student loans over the entireperiod of study and for the entire period of study; writing transcript of students; organization of internal academic mobility of students; documentation and preparation of reportsonareas of activity.
- Keep in grecords of academic performance of students;
- Implementation of the calculation of the academic rating of the student;
- Keeping records of credits hours of study in academic disciplines;
- Preparation of the statements necessary to conduct the current, mid term and final certifications;
- Maintenance and issuance of the current transcript and diploma Supplement (transcript), calculation of passings core GPA;
- Organization and conducting of students' registration for elective subjects;
- Participation in the organization and holding of anadditional semester;
Key Documents
- examschedule,
- examination sheet,
Work plan
Responsible of ficeregistrars by faculty:
Oteshova Mldir Kuttybekkyzy
The leading specialist is the specialist responsible for the organization of academic mobility of students in all educational programs