Х. Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті

Psychological Service of Atyrau University

them. H. Dosmukhamedov


           The psychological service of the University began its work in January 2022.
           A helpline also functions in the structure of the Psychological Service
8- 712-2-27-63-40
          The psychological service of the university is a system of psychological support for the educational process, which aims to create favorable conditions for learning and personal development of students.

E-mail: psychological.service_22@mail.ru



The main tasks of the Psychological Service:

- timely and relevant support for students in a state of conflict, unstable psychological, educational or other traumatic situation, in a state of emotional crisis (problems of socialization, adaptation and rehabilitation of students who find themselves in difficult living conditions);

- prevention, prevention of negative behavior of young people from socially disadvantaged strata under the influence of the current unfavorable situation;

- assistance in students' awareness of their own intellectual, personal, spiritual and physical resources to overcome the crisis and continue an active civil and personal life;

- psychological telephone counseling of youth, parents, curators of student groups and teachers on the issues of socialization and personal development of a student, relationships in the process of study;

- identification of conflict zones, "hot spots" in the student environment, current trends in the youth subculture that require adjustment.



Functions of psychological service:

·        organization of psychological assistance to students and teachers;

·        analysis of the psychological climate in student groups and the causes of frequently occurring (typical) difficulties (especially the reasons for students leaving the university);

·        consulting:


on learning problems (difficulties with the assimilation of material, the formation of educational skills, the organization of educational activities, etc.);

personal problems (emotional overload, conflicts with teachers and peers, increased anxiety, phobias, failures in personal life, etc.);

·        conducting test surveys; a complete psychological examination of first-year students with the identification of areas of potential difficulties arising due to personality characteristics, cognitive sphere or the level of training of a particular student;

·        preventive work (prevention of psychological problems).



Our address: Main building, 1st floor (English space), 135

Working hours: Monday - Friday from 9.00 to 16.00