Office of retraining and advanced training of personnel

It is a structural subdivision of the NAO "Atyrau University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov".

    The work of the office is carried out in accordance with the plan.

Office assignment:
    - organization of advanced training courses and pedagogical retraining, ensuring the improvement of professional training throughout life;
   - search and implementation of effective forms and methods of retraining and advanced training;
   - organization and implementation of long-term, short-term courses based on innovative technologies for obtaining professional education for teaching staff wishing to improve their professional level.

Responsibilities: office activities are aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, professional development of the listener, ensuring compliance of his qualifications with the changing conditions of professional activity and social environment.

The following types of work are established in the office:
- to give recommendations on the transformation of training sessions, organization and conduct of courses (lectures and practical classes, laboratory work, seminars, trainings, round tables, master classes);
   - to advise the teaching staff of the university on the development of advanced training course programs, recommend for approval at the educational and methodological council;
   - involvement of qualified teachers, practitioners, specialists;
   - development and approval of draft contracts for the provision of services, training, retraining or advanced training;
   - formation and maintenance of an electronic database system for students of courses;
   - preparation of graduates of the pedagogical specialist of the university for the national qualification testing;
   - monitoring of ongoing refresher courses and pedagogical retraining, development of recommendations for improving the educational process;
   - ensuring office work in accordance with the nomenclature of the university's affairs on issues within the competence of the office;
  -participation in national and international events: conferences, seminars, competitions, etc.

Work plan
The cyclogram of the mentoring project

Information about the head of the structure, responsible specialists subordinate to this department:

Nursultanоva Gulzhan Dzhamanbayevna
Head of the Office of retraining and advanced training of personnel

Office specialist: Akerke Yelezhan