Educational-scientific-research laboratory of biotechnology of ESRC “Biotechnology” Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University intended to conduct research works and develop professional competencies of biology students and master’s degree students whose activities will be related to environmental management, agriculture and the food industry.
The main scientific directions of the laboratory are the study of the microbial composition of various substrates, the development of methods and forms for the use of microorganism strains for the food industry, agriculture, and for the recovery of oil-contaminated soils.
- The strategic development program of the university provides the renovation of the material and technical base of the university..
Laboratory directions
- biotechnology of microorganisms in the food industry and their use;
- creation of production strains;
- study of microflora of various substrates and the selection of promising strains for use in industry;
- research on the cleaning of oil-contaminated
Promising directions:
- New microbiological methods for stabilizing fish and fish fillets;
- Creation of starter probiotic cultures for the preparation of fermented milk product of camel milk;
- Development of new technologies for drip irrigation of tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables;
- Development and implementation of technology for the preparation and stabilization of high-quality meat sausages;
- Microbiological basis of feed preparation for small and sturgeon fish;
- Development of new fermented milk products for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.
- Selection of microorganisms and the development of technology for ensiling feed.
- Investigation of oil-oxidizing bacteria of the Casian Sea of the Atyrau region.
- Research for determining the perinatal diagnosis of chromosomal diseases of women in the Atyrau region.
Goals and tasks:
Conduct research on the biotechnology of microorganisms for use in the food industry, provide knowledge to master’s degree students, students and schoolchildren, which they could put into practice, and also create qualitatively new conditions for the implementation of specialists’ training.
- search among natural microorganisms for the most promising probiotic strains,
- studying and obtaining strains with desired properties.
- study of their detailed morphological, physiological and biochemical properties.
- research on the creation of new probiotics on a qualitatively new basis.
- obtained natural strains for use in the food industry and new probiotics for animal husbandry.
- creating starter cultures for the production of fermented milk products.
- selection of lactic acid bacteria for acid-forming and antibiotic activity;
- creation of a collection of microorganisms based on selected microorganisms of starter cultures;
- creating conditions for attracting master’s degree students and students to scientific research;
- scientific and practical support of scientific research of bachelor and master’s degree students, as well as schoolchildren.
- interaction with Kazakhstan and foreign biotechnological scientific centers;
- conducting scientific and practical conferences, seminars and other events according to the center directions.
- carrying out fundamental and applied research in the field of biotechnology to solve practical problems of the selection of microorganisms aimed at ensuring the release of high-quality competitive products.
- assistance in the preparation of specialized scientific articles, recommendations and guidelines.
Scientific achievements
- New probiotic agents for fermenting fermented milk products are produced.
- Monograph is released «Ar turli onimderdegi sut kyshkyly bakterialarynyn aluan turliligi (kasietteri zhane praktikalyk manyzy)”- Atyrau: “Kh. Dosmukhamedov atyndagy Atyrau memlekettik universeteti” baspasy. 2018-317p.
- Production strains have been obtained for the production of fermented milk products, silage, bread products, etc.
Since the opening, the employees of the “Biotechnology Center” have carried out research projects sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and the World Bank:
- “Microbiological basis for the preparation of high-quality fish sausages using a new technology, their development and introduction into production” – Phd supervisor, Professor S.Z.Sagyndykova
- “Development and adoption of technology of preparation of the national drink shubat and Sofmaya” - Phd supervisor, Professor S.Z.Sagyndykova
- "The use of new strains for the preparation of silage, development and introduction into production" - Phd supervisor Master A.B. Dyusekenova
As part of these studies, seminars and round tables are held. According to the results of scientific works, the staff of the center, Master’s degree students and students who participated in the research, made presentations at international and republican conferences. They published scientific articles in Kazakhstan and foreign scientific journals, published monographs and textbooks on microbiology and biotechnology. Active work is underway to implement the results of these studies in production.
Targets and tasks:
- development of scientific research projects and participation in competitions in priority areas of basic and applied research.
- formation of creative teams from among the leading scientists of the departments and related scientific organizations, as well as master’s degree students for the implementation of scientific works;
- attracting promising graduates and master’s degree students to carry out scientific work;
- integration with scientific institutions and universities of the republic, scientific centers of foreign countries;
- assistance in promoting advanced scientific achievements and the implementation of research results in the educational process and production of a scientific project;
- participation in scientific practical conferences, seminars, forums, etc;
- assistance in conducting scientific experiments for master's thesis, for bachelors diploma works.
Created in 2011
Work plan