Institute of Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan
Director of Institute of Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences Kydyralina Zhanna Urkinbayevna
Institute of Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan opened in Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov on 3 February, 2015. The Institute is a structural subdivision of the university and serves as a dialogue platform, on the basis of which meetings of the scientific expert group and the council, various events contributing to the strengthening of inter-ethnic and interfaith harmony, ideas of tolerance, and stability in society are held.
The Institute performs a multidisciplinary function as a research, methodological, socio-educational, expert-analytical institute for the study of processes in the field of interethnic interaction, popularization and development of the Kazakhstan model of social harmony and unity of the nation. The activities of the institute in implementing the program of spiritual modernization of the society “Ruhani zhangyru”, strengthening the values that unite the nation, also carries an ideological function.
The ANK Institute at the university is intended to contribute the implementation of the tasks of state ethnopolitics on the formation of civic identity and Kazakh values, consolidation of the nation, ensuring inter-ethnic and interfaith harmony, and introducing students to the culture of the multi-ethnic people of Kazakhstan.
The Institute carries out its activities in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan of Atyrau Oblast and MPI "Kogamdyk Kelіsіm" of the regional akim's office, the regional House of Friendship, ethno-cultural associations of the region, jointly with which scientific educational, social and cultural events, actions aimed at preserving and strengthening of civil peace and inter-ethnic tolerance are planned. It also cooperates with the department "Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan" of the Eurasian National University L. Gumilev and NGO "Association of Chairs of ANK" of the republic universities as methodological centers and similar structures of other higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.
The aim of the ANK Institute is to coordinate at the university educational and research processes in the field of ethnopolitics, to unite the efforts in developing common methodological and practical approaches in studying and popularization the Kazakh model of social harmony.
Main activities:
Main functions and objectives:
Since the end of September 2018, the Institute of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan of Atyrau State University has resumed its activities with the appointment of the Director of the Institute, D.I.H. Zh.U. Kydyralina. A new impulse to the work of the institute is given by the President’s Message of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of country dated October 5, 2018 “Growth of the welfare of Kazakh people: increase of incomes and quality of life”. On October 6, 2018, on the website of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan, under the heading “The Public of Atyrau Oblast discusses the President’s Message”, the response of the Institute’s Director of ANK of Atyrau State University Zh. Kydyralina was published, and on October 12, 2018 in the republican newspaper “Liter” there was an article by the Director of the Institute of ANK ASU named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov Zh. Kydyralina “Personnel Solves Everything” regarding the implementation of priority tasks in the development of human capital, innovations in science and education at Atyrau State University. From 10 to 14 October 2018, the Director of the Institute of the ANK made a report at the International Scientific Conference "Confessional Policy of the Soviet State in the 1920-1950s" from the cycle "The History of Stalinism" in Velikiy Novgorod.
From 16 to 28 October, with the support of university management, an introductory visit was made by the Director of ANK Institute to the leading universities of Astana and Almaty to establish institute’s effective work and study the advanced experience of the centers’ work “Ruhani Zhangyru”, research centers and departments of ANK at the ENU named after L.N. Gumilev, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, KazNU named after Al Farabi, KazNAU, KazNPU named after Abay. The Director of the Institute took part in the work that took place on October 25-26 at ENU named after L.N. Gumilev XV International Eurasian Scientific Forum "Actual issues of studying the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Eurasia", meeting of the National Congress of Kazakhstan Historians, as well as in the work of the joint working group of Kazakhstan Historians and Russian scientists of the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the preparation of the volume "Kazakhs" of the multi-volume ethnological series of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Nation and Cultures". The Director of ANK Institute participated in the meeting of the Central Asian Scientific Expert Council on the topic “Kazakhstan and Central Asia: Ethnosocial Processes and Ethnocultural Dialogue” on October 30, in Astana. The Director of ANK Institute Zh. Kydyralina on October 31, made a report at the plenary session of the International Scientific Conference in Almaty, in KazNPU named after Abay "Political repression in the Central Asian countries in the years 1937-1938".
On November 2, the Director of ANK Institute participated in an enlarged meeting of the Scientific Expert Council of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan with the participation of the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the SEC ANK, and Department Heads of ANK universities of the republic.
In September-October, under the coordination of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan Institute, the participation of scientists, doctoral students and graduate students of the university in the republican competition of research projects was organized, dedicated on the Kazakhstan model of social harmony, as well as in the implementation of ANK project “Kazaktanu”. November 16 in the regional House of Friendship honoring the winners and prize-winners of the competition was held, including the scientists of Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov.
The republican events of the Assembly of the Nations of Kazakhstan will be held on November 26-28 in the Atyrau region, devoted to the Kazakhstan model of social harmony and unity of the nation and the implementation of the project “Kazaktanu”. A number of events will be held within the walls and complex of Atyrau State University.
The ANK Institute of Atyrau State University is planning to organize the activities of the scientific and methodical association of university scientists, the council of young scientists and the student scientific community from among researchers engaged in ethno-national issues, holding conferences, competitions and other significant events to implement their main functions.
Composition of NST BANK of Atyrau region 2022
The work plan of the APK Institute for 2022
REPORT on the work of the Institute of APK of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov for 2021
Zhanna Kydyralina
Institute Directors, T.G.D., Professor
8-701-450-80-21, 8(7122) 27-63-00

Zhanna Kydyralina
Institute Directors, T.G.D., Professor
8-701-450-80-21, 8(7122) 27-63-00