Innovative Education Faculty
1. Faculty Business Statement

The Faculty of Innovative Education was formed in 1959-1960. The Faculty trains specialists in pedagogical, special and social fields.
Teachers who have held a dean position since the formation of the faculty:
Imangaliyev A. S., Nuryshev V. D., Mukhanbetzhanova A.M., Barsai B.T., Sailauova N.S., Bazargaliyev G. B., Koishygulova L. E, Mukhanbetzhanova A. U.
- Ensuring quality training of competitive personnel.
- Modernization of the content of higher and postgraduate education in the context of world trends.
- Creation of conditions for commercialization of results of scientific research and technologies.
- Improvement of management and monitoring of development of higher and postgraduate education.
- Wide integration of digital technologies into the educational process and implementation of project training methods.
The main directions of the departments are the Department-Laboratory of Pedagogy, Preschool and Primary Education, Psychology and Special Education, Physical Culture and Initial Military Training:
Training of future specialists within the framework of updating the content of primary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Adaptation of future pre-school professionals in a trilingual, multicultural and inclusive environment;
Scientific and practical directions of psychological activity in educational and industrial institutions, problems of social communication psychology;
: Scientific basis and methods of using information and active technologies in teaching the cycle of pedagogical disciplines;
: Diagnosis of general physical training and incentives for young students to engage in physical education and sports.
The competencies necessary for the study of all pedagogical specialties in educational programs are adapted in accordance with the "professional standard of the teacher."
According to the student-oriented training system we train specialists focused on modern thinking, humanistic ideas, human values, innovation, continuous self-education, needs of the new education system.
Faculty was actively involved in gaining knowledge, student responsibility, high student autonomy, reflexive approach to the learning process, close student-teacher interconnection, whereby our students have made great strides.
The student of 1 course of the specialty Pedagogics and psychology Nasipkali Ryszhan was included into the republican collection by the best young people "Zhas quran" and the student - is awarded 2018 with the breastplate "The best student", The Association of Legal Entities of the national movement "Bübek" of Kazakhstan and the Honorary Diploma was awarded to the student of the 4 course of the specialty Pedagogy and psychology Bisembayeva Aizada, which took the II place in the II International remote competition of the scientific projects "Young scientist" of the Republican scientific and pedagogical center "Bilim" -Education in the Practical Project nomination.
Sagidollayeva Mansiya was included into the III collection of Republican talented youth "Zhas qyran" as "The best student-2019", organized by the national movement "Bobek" also is awarded with the Diploma of 1 degree.
Among our students 7 international masters of sports, 35 masters of sports, 50 candidates for masters of sports, 50 athletes of defectors, several prize-winners of the World Cups.
Under academic mobility programs, students and master 's degrees have the opportunity to improve the level of foreign language proficiency, deepen theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
Scientific capacity of faculty. The faculty has more than 70 faculty members, including 4 doctors of pedagogical sciences, 19 candidates of pedagogical sciences, 22 masters. 4 teachers are studying in doctoral studies. The Faculty is the center of methodological assistance to the institutions of the education system of the Western region of Kazakhstan.
Teachers ofFaculty Koishigulova L.E.-2016, Mukhanbetzhanov S. U.-2017 (Graduate of Bolashak program -2012y.), Sabirova Zh. N. -2018, Zhanzakova Sh.I -2019g. Are winners in the nomination "Best Teacher of Higher Education."
Research laboratories of faculty:
Introduction of Halel. Purpose: comprehensive disclosure of life and creativity of the public figure, the scientist-encyclopedia Halel Dosmukhamedov, his contribution to the development of domestic, naturally scientific and pedagogical science.
Development of the child. The aim is to create conditions for research and testing research, students and master 's students.
Psychology and pedagogical technologies. The goal: realization of psychological - pedagogical, scientific and research activities at the university, prevention of disorders in social, psychological condition, personal and professional development of students, provision of psychological support to students and university staff.
Within the framework of the Faculty there is an innovative educational project to implement additional educational programs aimed at scientific, cognitive, educational, creative and developmental focus - KidsUniversity (Children 's University). In the category of students - students of the Children 's University on additional educational programs at the Children 's University.
The project aims to develop cognitive and creative motivation of the individual; Maximizing the individual youth potential of students; Realization of creative abilities, imagination and creative thinking of children; formation of culture.
Also student scientific circles "Young Psychologist", "Young scientist", Sarmat club and the volunteer AsuUmit group work.
Lectures of foreign scientists on the Global Competitiveness Index of Kazakhstan are widely organized among students and masters (A.E.Burov-D., Astrakhan State Technical University, A.B.Pankin D. P., Professor, Kalmyk State University, Russia, Elista).
The main bases of practice and branches of the department are:
Quality education - continuous process of education and upbringing. At present, the aim of education is to form a fully educated, self-developing personality with a kind of persistence and high morality.
In the 2019-2020 academic year there are 924 students in the full-time department, including 172 students in full-time form, 71 students in state grant, 196 students in grant, 485 students in grant (akim). 2 students are on academic leave.
The faculty has 70 faculty members on the staffing table. Of these, the scientific potential is 33 per cent.
Dean of the faculty
Akmaral Mukhanbetzhanova
2. Faculty Name
Innovative Education Faculty
3. Faculty Departments
Pedagogic department
Psychology and special education department
Pre-school and primary education department
Physical education and basic military training department
Physical education department
4. Number of Staff in faculty
5. Number of Students in Faculty
6. Course Subjects
5B010100 – Preschool training and education
5B010200 – Education and training in primary education
5B010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology
5B010500 – Special Education Needs
5B010800 – Physical education and sport
5B010400 – Basic military training
6М010200 – Education and training in primary education
6М010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology