Youth organization "Serpin" is an organization consisting of students in the framework of the project "Serpin-2050". The impulse project will allow you to get a high-quality education and find a permanent job. Within the framework of this project, students from Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions study at the University. All conditions are created for them. Work is underway to provide dormitories aimed at active participation in the scientific, educational, cultural and social life of the institution. Conducts events and programs of various formats among dynamic students. The President of the students "Serpin" Abdikaimova Zhanat Saparkhanovna. Events: training seminar «Серпінмен жарқын болашаққа», meeting with professional specialists "Meeting with a face" and the campaign "70 books for the 70th anniversary".