Imangaliyev Askhat Salimovich

Imangaliyev Askhat Salimovich

1999-2008 years

Imangaliyev Askhat Salimovich was born on 21.08.1953 in the village of Kulsary of the Emba district of the Guryev region (now Kulsary of the Zhylyoy district of the Atyrau region). He graduated from the Pushkin Secondary School (1961-1971), the Faculty of History and Philology of the Guryev Pedagogical Institute, majoring in history in Guryev (1971-1975).

Teacher of the technical school of railway transport in Guryev (1975-1976), secretary of the primary Komsomol organization of the Guryev Technical School of Railway Transport (1977-1979). He completed postgraduate studies at the Y. Altynsarin Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences in Almaty (1982-1985). Working at the Guryev Pedagogical Institute (now Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University). In 1979-2008, he held various positions: senior lecturer of the Department of General and Folk Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of History and Philology (1986-1989), vice-rector for Scientific Work (1989-2000). Chairman of the specialized dissertation Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences in the specialty D 13.00.01-General Pedagogy, pedagogy and history of education, Ethno pedagogy (2001-2008).

Rector of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University (2000-2008). Deputy of the Atyrau regional and city Maslikhat (1998-2011). Since 2011, he has been the rector of the M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan State University. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (1985), Doctor (1999), Associate Professor (1991), Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission (1997).

Author of over 100 scientific papers, including textbooks: "Development of ideas of valeology and physical education of children in Kazakh ethno pedagogy", "Progressive ideas and experience of folk education among Kazakhs", "Pedagogical valeology", published independently and in co-authorship: "Valeology. Textbook for schools", "Valeology. Textbook" and an electronic textbook for high school students "Valeology". He was awarded the jubilee medal "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the commemorative medal of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For his contribution to ensuring national security", Letters of Thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, the Corporate Foundation for Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and diplomas of various levels.

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