Scientific School "Continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of the updated content of education and upbringing"


Under the guidance of senior lecturer, Master of the Department of " Preschool and primary education " Kinzhibaeva F. B. 

 Scientific School "Continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of the updated content of education and upbringing"   


І.Purpose: Creation and promotion of new scientific knowledge in the chosen scientific direction, development on this basis of the scientific potential of the department.


II. Task:

-         – Activation of research work and improvement of the effectiveness of activities at the department in the scientific direction.

-         Involvement of the teaching staff and students in research work, creation of conditions for the disclosure of the creative abilities of representatives of the scientific school and ensuring continuity with the scientific schools of the university.

III.Scientific direction::- Continuity of preschool and primary education in the conditions of the updated content of education and upbringing.


IV. The plan for 2021:

1.    Diagnostics of psychology in the preparatory group of the school: Imangalieva N. T. - information

2.     Formation of the readiness of teachers at the initial stage of education for innovative activity: Uteshkalieva A.M. - March

3.     The use of distance learning technologies in education management: Zhumasheva N. S., Sundetova Zh. (1st year undergraduate) - April.

4.     Continuity of preschool and primary education in the conditions of updated education: Tulenova U. T.-May.

5.     Application of innovative technologies in education management: Tulenova U. T.-May.

6.     Formation of ecological culture in pre-school preparation: Utemisova Zh. E.-September.

7.     Formation of information literacy of future primary school teachers: Ispanova E. Zh.- October;

8.     The importance of the formation of logical and information culture in the conditions of distance learning: Abilova O. A.-November.

9.     Formation of values of Kazakhstan patriotism among younger schoolchildren through local history materials: Tanatarova Zh. A.-December;

V. The list of organizers:

1.     Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, associate professor Mukhanbetzhanova A. U.,

2.     Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, associate professor

3.     . Master of pedagogical sciences Uteshkalieva A.M., Candidate of Pedagogical sciences Zhumasheva N.S.

4.     Senior lecturer, Master Ispanova E. Zh.,

5.     Senior lecturer, Master Auelbaeva G. S.


VI. Date of the event:

         Thursday, 15:00


VII. Format of the event:

         Online Zoom platform