"Improving the quality of mathematical education through the development of competence in the generalization and systematization of knowledge in the context of modern educational technologies"

Аcademic school
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of AU named after H. Dosmukhamedova,
academician of APNK Karazhigitova T. A.

"Improving the quality of mathematical education through the development of competence in the generalization and systematization of knowledge in the context of modern educational technologies",

Targets and goals:

  1. Organization of training of teachers, students of pedagogical specialties and undergraduates of the block-modular approach technology.
  2. Organization of research work on the creation of individual methodological support for teaching mathematics to students in the context of the modern educational process
  3. Registration of research results in the form of articles in scientific conferences
  4. Assistance to teachers in organizing the research activities of schoolchildren
  5. Work with undergraduates on research activities

2022-2023 e

Topic of the lesson, terms


Responsible for the organization

Completion Marks


Topic: "Development of the teacher's competence to generalize and systematize the material in mathematics in a modern school"

Attending classes and classes with undergraduates

Mathematics school-lyceum №16


Principal of school No. 16 named after. J. Karazhigitova

Ph.D., prof. Karazhigitova T.A.



Topic: "Analysis of geometry textbooks for grades 7-9 and a block-modular approach to the generalization and systematization of the material" 

Teachers, student interns, undergraduates

Shazhdekeyeva N.K.

Dulgerov S.P.

Karazhigitova T.A. 



Work with students and teachers to implement a modern approach to the generalization and systematization of the material

Together with teachers of mathematics and physicists

Dulgerov S.P.

Karazhigitova T.A.  Tsoi S.I.



Work with students and teachers to implement a modern approach to the generalization and systematization of the material

Together with school №16

Karazhigitova T.A. 

Shazhdekeyeva N.K.,

head teacher



Classes for the preparation and description of PVE teachers

Mathematics school-lyceum №16


Karazhigitova T.A. 

Дульгеров С.П.


Master's and diploma works

Mathematics school-lyceum №16


Karazhigitova T.A. 


Karazhigitova T.A., Shazhdekeyeva N.K.

Work plan for the 2022-2023 academic year academic school
The work plan of the branch of the department Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics for the 2022–2023 academic year
Work plan for the 2022-2023 academic year academic school