Department of Scientific and Technical Information
The department of scientific and technical information (department STI) is a structural subdivision of the University’s Department of Science, operates on the basis of the Charter of the AU and in its practical work is guided by the orders of the Rector and the Provision on the Department.
Department STI carries out work organization in order to increase the effectiveness of information support for managers, scientific and technical workers, faculty members and students of the university.
The main scientific and organizational issues of department STI are considered by the Scientific and Technical Councils of the AU.
The main objectives of the STI Department are:
- to assist in the training of qualified specialists and scientific-pedagogical staff in higher and postgraduate education, the growth of the qualification of the teaching staff and research staff AU;
- organization, planning and control of the research work of the AU;
- coordination and control of research work of students;
- assistance to improvement of the international, interuniversity and interdepartmental scientific relations, the integration of university and academic science.
- the organization of work with use of new information technologies for providing divisions of the university and certain employees which is specially prepared by information on domestic and foreign achievements of science, the equipment, economics and advanced production experience in order to increase the scientific, technical and economic knowledge of employees and creation the external and internal information environment of the organization;
- providing information support for management decisions in the planning and conduct of SRW and ROC in higher education institution;
- organization of work to increase the publication activity of University scientists in international rating journals, collecting information about articles and citations of university scientists published in international rating journals;
- identifying the needs of managers and specialists of the university in scientific and technical information necessary for project development, decision making;
- organizing the exchange of information on the achievements of science and technology, the collection, systematization, study and synthesis of information materials, the organization of the submission of scientific and scientific and technical information for state registration with higher scientific and technical information bodies;
- assisting university scientists in the preparation of: applications for competitions of scientific projects and grants conducted by scientific and scientific-technical programs, funds and organizations, documents related to the progress of projects that have won these competitions (contracts, calendar work plan, technical specifications, etc.); reporting materials about the results of research projects;
- organization and implementation of works on promotion of scientific and technical achievements by the organization of participation of higher education institution in forums, exhibitions, advertising of research and development;
- preparation for publishing information materials, catalogs and brochures of the university;
- drawing up materials and their submission in the prescribed manner to the bodies of scientific and technical information, translation of foreign literature, catalogs, scientific and technical documentation in compliance with the current procedure for coordinating translations, conducting accounting of the effectiveness of using information about science and technology in organizing materials information work of the department.