Independence is my pride

Independence is my pride

   Faculty of Innovative education of Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov Department of Preschool and primary education held an educational event "Independence-my pride", organized by students of the 3rd year-301 groups of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". Curator of the group-associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and primary education-Ulday Tulenova Talkashovna.
  The purpose of the event is to promote the activities of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, demonstrate the feat of our ancestors on the way to independence of our country, instill students with Patriotic education in the spirit of patriotism with Zheltoksan victims, the feats of brothers and sisters who took part in the December events.
   Independence is our main value. Only after the bloodless and peaceful achievement of independence were we able to bring our country into the ranks of the civilized States of the world. For 29 years, we have been going through difficult market times, forming an independent Kazakhstan country. Today and always we are talking about the merits of the visionary politician of the first Nursultan Nazarbayev, who during this period led Kazakhstan to be recognized and respected by the most powerful States around the world.
   We know that Independence Day is a special holiday for all citizens of our country, because this joyful day was passed with the centuries-old dreams and expectations of our ancestors.
   From the Altai mountains to the Alatau, our ancestors dreamed of independence. Many bozdaks went to the sacrifice to fulfill the Covenant of our ancestors, who protected this vast steppe with the tip of a blue spear, with the power of a catfish. From Karakeri Kabanbai, Kanzhygaly Bogenbai batyrs, to ISA Dosan, Shotan batyrs, Bauyrzhan, Manshuk, Aliya-batyrs who fought for the protection of the country, sacrificed for it and respected the country.
   And only after we were under the yoke of Russia, freed from language and religion, and became victims of such cruel young people as Kairat Ryskulbekov and Lyazzat Asanova, did we gain independence and become sovereign countries.
   The Kazakh people have gone through many difficult times to achieve freedom. Having a thousand-year history, Kazakhstan gained independence. And the event of 1986 will forever remain in the memory of the people.
  On December 16, Kazakh youth came to the Central square, where Kazakhstan demanded independence.
   This day in the history of Kazakhstan was named the birthday of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan in Golden letters. Therefore, December is a national holiday.
December 16, 1991 The Supreme Council of Kazakhstan declared Kazakhstan an independent Republic. For almost two hundred years it was a colony of tsarist Russia, for more than seventy years it was under the Strait of Soviet power, and Kazakhstan was a sovereign country. That's since 29zhyl!
    To such generations, we must pass on the history of our independence as our priceless asset - a human duty. The event ended with sincere wishes of students and teachers-participants.

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