Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition for awarding educational grants starts on July 16 and lasts until July 25, - It is carried out electronically through the e-Government website.  Announcement of the results of the contest - until August 15.

 Applicants can take part in the competition with one of the two results of the UNT, which was held from May 6 to July 1. When applying, applicants must attach their electronic copies:


 appendix to the certificate;

 3×4 digital photo in the form of an electronic document;

 medical certificate, form 075;

 copies of documents confirming the advantages of the contest participant (if any)

* An electronic copy of each document must be in jpg, img format, no more than 5mgb!

This year, when allocating educational grants, the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time allocated quotas for socially vulnerable segments of the population:

Required documents for children from large families (5%):

 Birth certificate;

 Parents' documents, identity card;

Certificate of receipt of state benefits for large families.

Required documents for children from single-parent families with the status of at least 3 years (1%):

Birth certificate;

Death certificate/divorce certificate of one of the parents.

Required documents for children from families raising children with disabilities (1%):

Birth certificate;

 Birth certificate of siblings with full or incomplete disability;

Certificate of full or incomplete disability of siblings.

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