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Council of elders
The Veteran's Council is a public organization within the University. It now has 81 members. Of these, 70% are employees with academic titles and degrees. At General meetings of the Council of veterans, there are special provisions that have been discussed and approved by the city Council of veterans. According to the provisions, University veterans contribute to the development of the educational process of the institution. Young colleagues and students participate in patriotism, Kazakhstan patriotism, respect for national values of the country. Actively participating in all important events held in the country ensures the implementation of the policy of the Head of state. All important events held during the year: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, First President's Day, Independence Day, New Year, Nauryz and others. So, May 31, 2015-2016 years in celebration of the "Day of memory of victims of political repression", the students of humanitarian faculty were organized and held the event on "the names are not forgotten", which was attended by veterans of the faculty Sh. Nagimov and A. Sarsenov. Veterans of the University together with the teaching staff of the faculties took part in educational meetings and seminars "Alash movement-100 years", "In the flow of history", etc. The Council of veterans together with the rector of the University successfully solves the issues of social protection of University veterans. At each holiday, veterans will be presented with gifts. In addition, with the direct participation of the rector of the University, it should be noted that veterans of the University have free access to various concerts and stage productions. Over the past two years, along with concerts by the Kurmangazy State Orchestra of folk instruments a prominent cultural figure T. Burmistrova, a cultural figure K. Kakimov, the staff of the Makhambet regional drama theater now has the opportunity to watch several performances for free. Composition of the University's Veterans ' Council. Sh.Nagimov-Chairman B.Taubaev-Deputy Chairman Members: 1. K.Zhussup 2. K.Kammatov 3. B.Gapuov 4.A.Shamgonov 5. A.Khammetov 6. N.Mambetov 7. A.Karzhaubayev Provision Plan Chairmen of the organizing organizations