Department of Science
Department of Science of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University - is a structural unit of the university, which performs and coordinates the research work carries out at the university, and also publishes the scientific journal "Vestnik". Department is a unified scientific structure uniting all research institutes and centers of the university.
The aim of Department is cooperation to the fullest use of scientific and intellectual potential of Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, complex development of scientific research, research and production activities and the quality of education, strengthening international cooperation of scientists.
Department objectives:
- development of current and future planned scientific research works (further--SRW);
- organization and strengthening of relations of the University of Scientific, Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading industry research institutions and organizations;
- expansion of scientific cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and production organizations in the field of scientific, scientific-productivity activities;
- organization of the preparation of documents for the creation and reorganization of various forms of scientific, scientific-productivity and implementation units at the University (scientific research institutes, scientific centers, scientific laboratories, etc.);
- development of regulatory documents governing the scientific research activities of the University;
- planning and organizing events aimed at enhancing the scientific activities of faculty members of the University, including: organizing and conducting scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars and other scientific events of a public nature at the University, collecting and editing materials of a conference, release of the collection;
- organizing and holding a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council (further - the STC), drawing up a plan for the STC, control of implementation of solutions of STC;
- rendering consulting and methodical help to employees, doctoral candidates in work with the international bases;
- organization of work on increase publishing activity of University scientists in international rating journals;
- collecting scientific articles for the AU Vestnik, check on grammar, work with authors of articles on editing, control of observance of rules of execution of articles and providing necessary documents; the edition of information and methodical materials of the university in printing and electronic types;
- information and organizational support for the activities of authorities youth scientific self-government (Council of Young Scientists) of University;
- help to scientists of the university in preparation: applications for competitions of the scientific projects and grants which are carried out by scientific and scientific and technical programs, funds and the organizations, documents connected with the course of implementation of the projects which became winners of these competitions (contracts, calendar the plan of works, technical specifications, etc.), reporting materials about results of SRW on projects;
- help to scientists of the university in preparation: applications for competitions and scholarships of young scientists, documents connected with the course of implementation, which became winners of these competitions (contracts, calendar the plan of works, technical specifications, etc.), reporting materials about results;
- preparation of reporting documentation on implementation of SRW plans; preparation and provision of statistical data and reporting documentation on activities of department at the request of regulatory authorities and organizations;
- carrying out analysis of indicators of effectiveness SRW of University; control and analysis of activities of divisions of the University for implementation of SRW plans.
The following departments are a part of Department:
Research Development Department
Department of Scientific and Technical Information
Work plan 2019
Work plan 2020
Work plan 2021
Work plan 2022
Work plan 2023
Work plan 2024
Director of department:

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+7 (7122) 27-63-03 |
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060011, Atyrau, Student Avenue, 212, main educational building, 263 |