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- Councils of Atyrau university

Mukhambetkaliyev Chingiz Nurzhanovich
Authorized by Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Contact numbers: 8 777 222 30 30
Reception days: Tuesday, Thursday 09:00-18:00
Atyrau, Student Ave. No. 212, 2nd floor, 260 office
Email address: ch.mukhambetkaliyev@asu.edu.kz
"Anti-corruption Compliance Service of Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University"
- compliance with anti-corruption standards within the walls of the university, as well as prevention of corruption offenses.
- compliance with the "code of academic integrity " and " formation of an anti – corruption culture " of students and staff, teaching staff.
- Aimed at the abolition of illegal remuneration of employees, professor, and teaching staffs of Atyrau University.
- Identification of corruption risks of Atyrau University.
Head of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service of Atyrau University:
Head of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service MUKHAMBETKALIEV Chingiz Nurzhanovich
Cell phone: +7 777 222 30 30
Ethics and anti-corruption composition:

Lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence, member of the Council

Head of the Department of Psychology and Special Education, Member of the Council

Director of the Department of Academic Affairs, Member of the Council

Chairman of the trade union, member of the commission

Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and Youth Policy, Chairman of the Council

Chief of Staff of the Management Board, Member of the Board

Chairman of the Council of Veterans, member of the Council

member of the Council

3rd year student of the specialty "Physics", member of the Council

3rd year student of the "Specialty of initial military training", member of the Council
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Council:
It has a consultative and advisory function, providing for the prevention and insurance of offenses in the field of education, compliance with corruption legislation, ensuring moral and ethical standards in the team, strengthening labor discipline;
- carries out the fight against violators of the internal discipline of the university in cooperation with the heads of the structural divisions of the university;
-considers issues related to disciplinary misconduct of employees and students, teaching staff, persons holding positions of structural units and disagreements between teachers and students.
Purpose and objectives of the Council |
The purpose of the Council is to organize and coordinate subjective actions of measures to implement anti-corruption policy at the University, identify subjects of corruption offenses and aimed at preventing corruption, as well as creating conditions of intolerance to any offenses at the university, ensuring the relationship between administrative and public organizations of the University in the fight against violators of the Charter and internal regulations. |
Providing assistance in identifying violations of anti-corruption legislation and the university charter, internal regulations. |
To inform the university staff on issues of countering offenses in the field of science and innovation, in the field of education; |
Identification of the causes and conditions that generate corruption in the field of higher professional and postgraduate education of the university; |
Study of the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption at the university; |
Development of methodological foundations for the fight against corruption at the university; |
Development of proposals for the practical use of prevention and elimination of corruption and offenses in the staff of the University as an educational institution; |
Providing advisory assistance to the subjects of the University's anti-corruption policy on issues related to the practical application of the general principles of service discipline of students, master students and students of the University; |
To create a purely moral climate at the university and contribute to a high-quality educational and educational process in its structures. |
The right of the Council: |
To make decisions related to the scope of their competencies in the organization, coordination and improvement of the university's activities to prevent corruption, as well as to monitor the implementation of these decisions; |
To hear at their meetings the subjects of the anti-corruption policy of the university, vice-rectors, including heads of structural divisions, teaching staff, students of the university; |
To establish a working group to study issues related to the activities of the commission, as well as to prepare projects in accordance with the decisions of the commission; |
To check conflict situations between teachers and students; |
Working hours of the Council |
Ethics and anti-corruption activities are the duties of the teaching staff, staff and students, formed from among the university officials and monitoring the compliance of all points of contracts with the educational institution, compliance with the university charter and internal regulations. |
Disagreements between teachers and students, including reviews or messages from the teaching staff, staff, students, master students and doctoral students of the university, are considered no later than 7 working days from the date of their admission. |
Disagreements between teachers and students are considered at an expanded meeting with the participation of the parties; |
A disciplinary case is considered within one month from the date of its introduction into production. Within a month before the preliminary consideration of the disciplinary case at a meeting of the Council (the responsible person is determined by the chairman), an inspection is carried out, the situation in the case is studied and clarified, a written explanation is requested from the person brought to disciplinary responsibility (in case of refusal, an act is drawn up). |
Makes a decision by a majority vote of the total number of Council members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the presiding officer takes precedence. |
The Chairman of the Council reports to the Rector of the University the content of the decision taken at the meeting. |
The Council meeting is held following the results of the examination sessions, if necessary, at least once a quarter (four times a year). By the decision of the Chairman of the Council or the deputy chairman of the commission has the right to hold an extraordinary meeting of the commission. |
The agenda of the Council meeting and the issues considered in it are approved by the Chairman of the Commission. |
The meeting of the Council is chaired by the Chairman of the Council, and in case of his absence - by the deputy on behalf of the Chairman. |
Participation in the meeting of all members of the Council is mandatory. |
In connection with the issues under consideration concerning the meeting of the Council, with the consent of the Chairman of the Council, heads and employees of structural divisions of the University may be involved. |
If necessary, the decision of the council may be issued by the order of the rector of the university |
By the decision of the Council of the recommended nature, a disciplinary penalty is imposed on the person who committed the act, established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
Order 174
Basic Rules
Order 060н, 13.04.2020
Order 061н, 13.04.2020
Order 062н, 13.04.2020