
List of educational programs for the 2024-2025 academic year

01 Pedagogical sciences

7M01101 Pedagogy and psychology 
7M01111 Pedagogy and psychology 
7M01102 Educational research 
7M01103 Education Management and Leadership 
7M01104 Curriculum design  
7M01301 Management in Education 
7M01501 Informatics and informatization of education 
7M01503 Mathematics. Management of the educational process 
7M01504 Physics in education 
7M01505 Biology in education 
7M01506 Chemistry 
7M01507 Digital pedagogy 
7M01601 Historian teacher 
7M01701 Kazakh language and literature 
7M01702 Russian language and literature 
7M01703 Foreign languages and intercultural communication 
7M01311 Management in Education 1 year 

02 Arts and Humanites

7M02201 Historian Researcher 
7M02301 Philology  
7M02302 Translation 

04 Business, Management and law

7М04101 Business analytics in economics and menagement 
7М04102 Business economy 
7M04103 HR Management 
7M04113 HR Management 
7M04116 Healthcare management 
7M04104 Accounting, audit and controlling  
7M04114 Accounting, audit and controlling 
7M04105 Financial economics 
7M04115 Finance and Economics 
7М04201 Jurisprudence 
7М04211 Jurisprudence 
7М04212 Advocacy and notarial activities 
7M04213 Ethnomediation 

05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

7M05101 Biology with the basics of microbiology 
7M05201 Applied ecology 
7M05301 Chemical analysis and petrochemical synthesis 
7M05303 Physics and electronics 
7M05401 Mathtmatics and computer sciences 

06 Information and Communication technologies

7M06101 Business Informatics 
7M06104 Applied computer science in design 
7M06114 Applied computer science in design 
7M06105 Software Engineering