The Department of Physics and Technical Disciplines is one of the leading departments of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology. In 1950, the department had one department - the department of physics and mathematics. It was headed by Akhmedzhanov A.Kh. candidate of technical sciences.
In 1955, a pedagogical institute was opened on the basis of the teacher's institute, and in the same year the department of physics was organized. Heads of departments: Akhmetzhanov A.Kh. candidate of technical sciences, Ivanov P.M. (1958-1959 g.); Urazgaliev B.U. (1959-1960) candidate of chemical sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR; Dzhumashev M.D. (1960-1969); Gabdullin K.G. (1969-1972); Zhalgasov A.Zh. (1972-1977) candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor; Seitov H.S. (1977-1987) candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor.
In 1961, the Department of General Engineering Disciplines separated from the Department of Physics. She was in charge of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Makeev E.
In 1964, the Department of General Engineering Disciplines was merged with the Department of Physics. In 1973, the Department of General Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics were created. The head of the department of theoretical physics was Suleimenov B.S. (1973-1984) candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor; Serikov J.S. (1984-1987) candidate of chemical sciences, professor.
In 1987, after combining the Department of General Physics with the Department of Theoretical Physics, she was headed by Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor Serikov Zh.S.
In 1990, two departments were re-established: the Department of Theoretical Physics and General Technical Disciplines and the Department of General Physics and the methods of teaching physics. The Heads of the Departments of General Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics were: Zh.S. Serikov (1990-1993) candidate of chemical sciences, Professor; Imashev G.I. (1993-1995) candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor; Naubetzhanov M.N. (1995-1997) associate Professor. Akhmetov A.K. worked as the heads of the departments of general technical disciplines and theoretical physics. (1990-1993) doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor; Serikov J.S. (1993-1997) candidate of chemical sciences, professor.
Since 1997, after combining the Department of General Physics and the methods of teaching physics with the Department of General Technical Disciplines and Theoretical Physics, it was renamed the Department of Physics, it was headed by a professor, Ph.D. J.S. Serikov.
Over the years, the department was staffed by: professor Esmukhanov Zh.M., professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences Akhmetov AK, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Kulzhanov D.U., doctor of chemical sciences Nursultanov O.S., doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Dzhumamuhambetov N.G., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Shunkeev K.Sh. candidates of sciences and associate professors: Mikhalman I.M., Chernikov Yu.V., Kirillov V.V., Akhmetkaliev R.B., Amandykov K., Seyketov R., Duysenbaev B., Tazhigulov B., Sukharev B.S. senior lecturers and teachers: O. Tnaliev, I.G. Cheydukov, V.N. Tyan, Li B., Aisiev M., Saparov A., Glebov V.A., Kibasov O., Kanashkin E., Zhakipova G. , Karpekov M., Kulzhanov K., Khayrosheva G.G., Kalimanov A. and others.
In subsequent years, the associate professor, Ph.D. B.U. Kuanbaeva (2005-2010), associate professor, Ph.D. B.T. Abykanova (2010-2013), associate professor, Ph.D. Syrbaeva Sh.Zh. (2013-2017). During this period, for an enormous amount of work invested in the development of the faculty, the Electrical Engineering office was opened to the first head of the Department of Physics named after H. Akhmedjanov. The classrooms "Methods of teaching physics", "Electrical and microprocessor systems" updated with new devices.
From 2017 to the present, the department is headed by the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Zh.G. Dzhumamuhambetov.
At the department work: Ph.D., professor G.I. Imashev, Ph.D., associate professor Zhumamuhambetov Zh.G., Ph.D., associate professor Kuanbaeva B.U., Ph.D., associate professor Abykanova B.T., .p.p. Syrbaeva Sh.Zh., Ph.D. and about. associate professor A. Amangosov, senior teachers-masters: Rakhmetova M.T., Salykbaeva Zh.K., masters-teachers: Tumysheva A.A., Myrzagereyzyzy G., Gaynedenov N.A., Uteshova S.A. The degree of PTC is 50%.
The Department of Physics and Technical Disciplines prepares specialists in the following areas of the educational program: 6В01502-Teacher of Physics, 6В01509-Teacher of Physics and Informatics, 6В05302-Physicist-researcher, 6В07501-Standardization and Certification, 7М05302-Physics.
Every year, students and undergraduates of the specialty "Physics", "Physics of Informatics", "Standardization and Certification" participate in the republican competition of scientific research and take prizes. So, in 2019, the first-year undergraduate Kabiden Қydyr, the third-year student Nurkhatov İzbasar, the first-year students Amankusova L., Kayrzhan M., the third-year student Tagim D. were awarded a third-degree diploma.
Kuanysheva A.Zh. 2nd year student of the specialty 6B07501-Standardization and Certification took part in the International Scientific Competition "Best Scientific Work - 2020" and took 1st place.
The title of "Best University Teacher" was awarded to Ph.D., associate professor B. Abykanova (2016), Ph.D., associate professor Kuanbaeva B.U. (2019), senior teachers-masters: Rakhmetova M.T. and Bekova G.T. (2019).