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- Khalel Dosmukhamedov and his legacy
- Khalellogy

By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 23, 1994, Atyrau State University was named after the outstanding scientist Khalel Dosmukhamedov. In those years, the name Khalel was returned to the past, allowed to study its comprehensive inexhaustible scientific heritage and deeply research Khalellogy internships. In recent years, the scientific legacy of the scientist has begun to be comprehensively studied from different sides. The study of the scientist's legacy begins in 1993 with scientific and theoretical conferences dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Khalel Dosmukhamedov at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty, in the same year at the Atyrau State University. Based on the materials of several scientific and theoretical conferences at the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, a scientific collection "Ғұлама ғалым, ағартушы педагог" was published. Since this period, national and local publications have published works and articles devoted to the comprehensive study of the scientific heritage and merits of the great ancestor in the development of various branches of science, the first candidate's dissertations from the scientific heritage of the great scientist are protected. Speaking about the research of the scientist's legacy, in 1996 the publishing house "Санат" published the first biographical work "Khalel Dosmukhamedovich and his life and work" under the authorship scientists from Almaty K. Nurpeisov, M. Kulkenov, B. Kabizhanov, A. Mektepov. In 1998, under the scientific guidance of the famous scientist R. Syzdykova, a scientific collection "selected works of Khalel Dosmukhamedov" was published (Almaty, publishing house "Ана тілі", 1998). The collection contains the scientific works of Professor Kh. Dosmukhamedov is one of the light stars of the beam of the Kazakh democratic intelligentsia of the early XX – early XX century. The collection of selected works was opened with introductory remarks of the national writer of Kazakhstan Abish Kekilbayev. In the study of the scientific heritage of Khalel Dosmukhamedov, covering all spheres of science, along with famous scientists Z. Kabdolov, M. Kazybayev, R. Syzdykova, K. Nurpeisov, M. Kulkenov, A. Mektepov, G. Anes, B. Khabizhanov, D. Abdrakhimova, O. Ozganbay, and others, local Atyrau researchers K. Seitaliyev, K. Shaukenov, T. Zhanabayev, A. Shamgonov, O. Alimgereev, A. Sabyrov. Certain work has been done at the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University to study Khalellogy and to comprehensively study and promote Its scientific heritage. Since 1994, it has become a tradition to conduct training at the University, organized by the Department of General and folk pedagogy. Since 2000, Dosmukhamedov readings have traditionally been held at the national level once every 4 years. Scientists of higher educational institutions of Almaty, Uralsk, Aktobe, Shymkent, Aktau and others took part in five Republican readings of Dosmukhamedovich.

On the basis of Dosmukhamedov published in the scientific journal "Pride of Алты Алаш". The scientific heritage of the scientist is included in the plans of research work of the teaching staff of certain departments of the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University. Since 2003, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the course "Khalellogy" is mandatorily included in the curriculum of all specialties of the University. In the same year, the program of the course "Khalellogy" and the textbook "Khalellogy" over 15 printed were published, compiled by candidate of a pedagogical science, Professor K. B. Seitaliyev and the candidate of a pedagogical science, associate Professor G. Bazargaliyev. Based on the recommendations of the First Republican Dosmukhamedov reading, the scientific and pedagogical laboratory "Khalellogy" was opened at the University at the Department of General and folk pedagogy. The laboratory has now become the center for scientific and pedagogical research at the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau state University. In the future, it is planned to give international status to the Republican Dosmukhamedov readings held at the University once every 5 years. Published 8 books on legacy Kh. Dosmukhamedov, 5 collections of materials of Republican and regional conferences, about 200 different Republican and regional publications. Along with scientific publications of Khalellogists, about 250 sets of documents and 164 archival documents obtained from the state archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, copies from the Fund of rare books of the National Academy of Sciences of 1922-26, submitted to the center "Khalellogy" for researchers, master's candidates, are presented from the Republican Central state archive of Uzbekistan. At the same time, we cannot say that in the formation of the Sciences Khalellogy was fully studied and studied the comprehensive scientific heritage of the great thinker. During the meeting, they discussed the main directions of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Нұрлы жол -path to future", as well as the implementation of President's instructions voiced in the address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future", as well as the implementation of President's instructions voiced in the address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future". Behind the shoulders of Khalel, Khalel Dosmukhamedov, as an ardent patriot, a prominent figure, there was the matter that his name was the sky above the sky. He is one of the most talented talents who spare no effort for the happiness of their native people, for their prosperity. During the trial, it was established that the defendant, being intoxicated, not having the right to drive a vehicle, committed an administrative offense under article 608 part 1 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this regard, we should not forget that until the last moment of our life, as a civil duty of the Kazakh people, we should not forget to protect the spirit of Khalel Dosmukhamedov, promote the heritage, study in the public mind. Therefore, the goals and tasks set before us should not only be preserved in the memory of today's generation but also serve as a worthy example for future noble deeds.
Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov © 2025