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Mathematics and applied technologies Scientific-research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies
Scientific-research Institute
of Mathematics and Applied Technologies
The Scientific-research Institute (Scientific-research Institute) "Mathematics and Applied Technologies" is a university–wide division, created for the purpose of planning, organizing, coordinating and providing scientific research, assisting university departments in training highly qualified scientific personnel, designing, developing and implementing the results of scientific research and development work in the relevant industries and the educational process of the university, aimed at lifting and stabilizing the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In its activities, the Scientific-research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies is guided by the current regulations and legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University, orders of the rector, the Regulations on the structural unit.
Scientific-Research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies organizes its activities on the basis of prospective and current plans and programs approved by the Rector of the University.
Planning of research and work funded from extra-budgetary sources is carried out in accordance with the portfolio of external orders.
-income from scientific-research, scientific-practical and ¬educational activities carried out under contracts with customers and ¬consumers of works and services.
Main tasks
To achieve this goal, the Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies carries out the following activities:
Conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of natural and technical sciences;
Creating your own technologies and materials;
Participation in the design and development of scientific and technical programs and projects;
Assistance in the training of highly qualified scientific personnel and specialists at the university;
Organization of scientific-technical and technical-economic expertise carried out in scientific research;
Provision of measures for copyright protection, protection of intellectual property of scientists and the rights of AtSU;
Provision of applied measuring instruments and methods, manufactured scientific and technical products and experimental design documentation, current standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documentation, state certification system, standardization and metrology;
Development and strengthening of the material and technical base of the University to ensure the educational process and scientific research;
Assistance to the educational and educational process at AtSU;
Attracting undergraduate and graduate students to participate in scientific research carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies;
Information support in the events held by the Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies;
Promotion of the activities of the Scientific Research Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies.
Main functions
Conclusion of business contracts with enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries for the development and conduct of fundamental and applied research in the field of natural and technical sciences.
Organization of scientific-research exchanges, internships, etc.;
Participation in the design and development of scientific and technical programs and projects, as well as assistance in the training of highly qualified scientific personnel and specialists at the university.
Provision of methodological, expert and consulting services to external customers on a contractual basis.
Organization of exchange of experience in the areas of activity of the Institute of Mathematics and Applied Technologies in the form of conferences, seminars, sociological schools, round tables, trainings and other events.
Regular publication of the results of Scientific-research activities in collections of scientific articles and in the mass media;
Implementation of other activities that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the AtSU Charter.
Main areas of work
Scientific and educational function approval of the work plan, professional development of specialists, organization of conferences, seminars;
Development and strengthening of the material and technical base of the University to ensure the educational process and scientific research;
Planning, organization, coordination and provision of scientific research;
Assistance to university departments in training highly qualified scientific personnel
Design, development and implementation of the results of scientific research and development work in the relevant branches of production and the educational process of the University, aimed at the rise and stabilization of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Support and involvement of young, capable and dynamic specialists.
Plan of research work for 2022.
Report for 2021 Zhussupkalyieva G.K.