Facilitation meeting on the TRIGGER project


    TFacilitation meeting on the TRIGGER project On December 28, 2022, at the Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University, the participants of the TRIGGER project "Stimulating innovative approaches and entrepreneurial skills of students through creating conditions for the employment of graduates in Central Asia" held a facilitation meeting on the topic "Actual problems of demand for university graduates in the labor market and ways to increase it" . The participants of the meeting were employees of the office of career and practice, faculty responsible for practice at the faculties of the university, employers and representatives of internship institutions. The project participants got acquainted with the main tasks of the TRIGGER project, discussed one of the tasks of the project - the employment of graduates and their demand in the labor market. Employers were represented by various structures of the labor market - education, banks, justice institutions, media, etc. The participants of the meeting discussed the existing problems of the labor market for university graduates and proposed various tools for developing a mechanism for successful employment and demand for young professionals.