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Mukhanbetzhanova Akmaral Utepbergenova

Dean of faculty
Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor
I am Mukhanbetzhanova Akmaral Utepbergenovna, was born on September 12, 1971 in the West Kazakhstan region.
In 1988, I graduated from the school-gymnasium No. 17 named after Kirov. In the same year, I entered the Atyrau pedagogical Institute with a specialty Pedagogy and psychology (preschool).
In 1992, I graduated from this educational institution and got a job at the city secondary school No. 10 named after S. Mukanov as a specialist teacher-psychologist.
In 1995, I entered full-time postgraduate at the Department "General and national pedagogy" of Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, in 1995-1998 I studied at the postgraduate studies and defended a Phd thesis on "the Development of initial education in the Bokey Orda (mid-XIX to the early XX century)" under the scientific guidance of doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor K. B. Seitaliyev.
Since 1998-senior teacher of the Department, since 2010- worked as a associate Professor.
In 2010, at the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau state University OD 14.61.02. In the dissertation Council, I defended my doctoral dissertation on the topic "Theoretical and methodological foundations of competence-based design of the content of Initial education" (supervisor-doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor L. K. Kerimov).
The decision of Committee on control in education and science Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 25, 2010 (Report No. 7) had the rank of associate Professor in pedagogy. More than 70- scientific papers have been published in foreign and Central publications of Kazakhstan. The main scientific works are devoted to the problems of the history of initial education, the design of the content of primary education, the formation of competencies of primary school students.
In addition, 2 monographs, more than 15 textbooks and teaching AIDS, electronic textbooks have been published.
Lectures in graduate courses on the basic disciplines: "Pedagogical technology on teaching science and education", "Design of educational content", "Methodology and methods of competence-based training of future specialists", "Methodology and methods of pedagogical research" and effectively use lectures on advances in pedagogical science, innovative technology and interactive teaching methods. In connection with the introduction of the credit system of study at the University, actively engaged in instructional work, developed educational-methodical complexes data bachelor`s programm courses for use in credit system of education and issued the textbook "Introduction to teaching profession" "Methods of educational work" on the recommendation of the EMA of RK.
I have prepared educational and methodological complexes of master's degree courses in the specialty "6M010300-Pedagogy and psychology", "6M010200 - Pedagogy and methods of initial education", "Pedagogy", "Methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines in higher education", "Comparative pedagogy", "Pedagogical technology", "Pedagogical management", "Organization and planning of scientific research", "Pedagogy of Higher education", "Modernization of 12-year education" and conduct these disciplines.
After the defense of the doctoral dissertation, more than 30 articles, including Scopus, were published in journals approved by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with reports at international and national conferences.
Under my scientific supervision, several master`s student defended their master's thesis for the academic degree of master of pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of initial education.
According to the "Bolashak" program, from October 15 to December 21, 2012, I completed a scientific internship at the Swiss" Montreux Business School".
2016 жылы «Өрлеу» біліктілікті арттыру ұлттық орталығы акционерлік қоғамы филиалы Қазақстан Республикасы білім беру жүйесінің басшы және ғылыми-педагогикалық қызметкерлерінің біліктілігін арттыратын республикалық институтында біліктілік арттыру курсынан өттім.
In 2017, I won the "Best University teacher" grant.
I take an active part in the social work of the University, a member of the scientific and methodological Council of the University, the academic Council of the faculty, the editorial Board of the journal "Vestnik" of the University.
Today I am the Dean of innovative education.
I have two children and husband in my family.