Department of multilingual training

Head of the Department
Abdrakhmanova Zhumaziya Mazhitovna
Can. of ph. Sciences, acting Professor.

Tasks of the Department of multilingual education:
preserving the unity and integrity of the socially active environment of students of the Department;
development of educational and methodological, content, technological (material and technical, personnel, scientific, educational and methodological) bases for training a multilingual specialist;
Familiarization with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal regulations of educational organizations;
organizing and conducting educational work of foreign students;
participation in the process of recruiting students of the Department, conducting career guidance among students and the population;
participation in the process of recruiting students of the Department, conducting career guidance among students and the population;

The main goal of the Department of multilingual education:
Creating a system of continuing education "School-College-University";
effective organization of preparation for entering higher educational institutions and obtaining education;
attracting talented young people to train future highly professional specialists;
intensive development and systematization of professional orientation work in order to form a contingent of students.

Mission of the Department: Training of students to prepare competitive trilingual professional specialists through multilingual education and improve the level of language training on the basis of a state order for admission to higher educational institutions of the country on the specialty of the natural science direction of the University, as well as foreign students of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.