Department history

For the first time in 1950, the Guryev teachers' Institute was established with 5 departments: Marxism-Leninism, Pedagogy and Psychology, Physics and mathematics, Russian language and literature, geography and natural science. One of the 5 open departments was the Department of pedagogy. On September 3, 1950, by order of the first Director of the Institute, K. E. Temirgaliyev head of the Department of pedagogy, a member of the Council, a teacher of psychology, of the S. M. Kirov Kazakh State University a graduate of the Department of psychology and logic Kuftyreva V. I. was appointed. In 1955, the head of the Department of first pedagogy of the pedagogical Institute was a candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor M. M. Levchenko.

In 1961, the head of the Department of pedagogy and psychology was candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Lebedev.

Since 1975, the heads of the Department of pedagogy and psychology were headed by a senior teacher, associate Professor B. M. Zhanakhmetova, can. of ped. Sciences, associate Professor B. Zh. Dyusaliyeva, associate Professor G. A. Aidaraliyev, and then doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kadyrzhan Bryanovich Seitaliyev.

From 2009 to 2010, the head of the Department was can. of ped. Sciences, associate Professor G. B. Bazargaliyev.

At the Department worked candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor M. K. Orasheva, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor B. Zh. Dyusaliyeva, senior teacher, associate Professor B. M. Zhanakhmetova.

The Department has formed a scientific school of doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor K. B. Seitaliyev in Kazakhstan.

In 2000-2008, works at the Department as the rector of the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, in 2011-2017 as the rector of the M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan State University, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. S. Imangaliyev. At that time, he was sent to a targeted postgraduate, successfully defended his PhD and then doctoral dissertations.

Since 2003, at the Department has opened a master's programme in pedagogy and psychology. From 2002 to 2010, the joint dissertation Council of DB 14.61.02 worked at the University in the specialty 13.00.01 General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethno-pedagogy, followed by the award of the doctor of science degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences. For the position of President of the Council was held doctor of ped. Sciences, Professor Imangaliyev A. S., doctor of ped. Sciences, Professor K. B. Seitaliyev, doctor of ped. Sciences, Professor A. G. Kazmaganbetov, the work of the academic Secretary was doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zh. S. Khasanova, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sh. I. Dzhanzakova. Since 2011 head of the Department is doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Dzhanzakova Sholpan Issagaliyevna.

Since the 2016-2017 academic year, the Department was established as the Department-laboratory "Pedagogy". The Department-laboratory "Pedagogy" is a fundamental teaching staff that has formed its own image. The scientific potential of the Department is 50%, 2 doctors of science, 5 candidates of science, 4 senior teachers, 6 masters of pedagogy.