Department-laboratory of pedagogy

Head of the Department
Dzhanzakova Sholpan Issagaliyevna
doctor of pedagogical science, Professor

The Department works on improving the training of teachers-future pedagogics in the context of modernization of the University education system. The main directions of the research:

  • • Study of the heritage of the scientist-encyclopedist, Professor Khalel Dosmukhamedov, as well as teachers-innovators in order to generalize scientific achievements in the history of pedagogy on the basis of the laboratory "Khalel introducing";
  • • Scientific bases and methods of using interactive and information technologies in teaching the cycle of pedagogical disciplines
  • • Independent development of the teacher's personality in a modern school
  • • Ethnic education based on the national idea "Mangilik El"

Closely cooperates with all schools of the city, students of all courses are trained as teachers.