The Department of sports disciplines was opened in 1982 as part of the faculty of chemistry and biology. At the first stage, four teachers worked at the Department: they were senior teachers A. Sh. Amirov, N. M. Mambetov, T. A. Botagariev, A. S. Aralbayev.
Then it was renamed the Department of physical culture and initial military training. Educational activities of the Department are carried out using credit technology in accordance with the state educational standard of higher education, taking into account the principles of curricula in order to implement the modular system of the principles of the Bologna process.
Students with the necessary basic knowledge and professional skills, physical culture and sports that require high-quality training of the expert community in various fields of physical culture and sports, as well as Education provided from initial military training to meet the needs of the labor market and meet international standards that can contribute to the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Physical culture and sports, 5B010400 in accordance with the license no. 13002658 of 28.02.2013, the Department presents an educational program in the specialty 5B010800. Initial military training, educational programs of the Bologna process, which provides students with the right to choose the best path of their own training, meets their needs and wishes, participate in academic mobility programs. Therefore, the educational process meets all modern requirements.
The number of new entrants increases every year. More than 500 students are currently enrolled. Among the first enrolled students of the master of sports of the USSR A. Usenov, M. Sarbalin (Boxing), A. Tumin, I. Kuznetsov (rowing), S. Koibakov, M. Kaparov of getting (wrestling). Then their number increased every year: the USSR champion B. Temirov (Boxing), B. Yesdauletov (taekwando), S. Sergeev, I. Gatiatullin (participants of the Olympic games in Atlanta), E. Sosnovikova, R. Shelokov (rowing), brothers Oralbekov (judo), M. Yesmagambetov, N. Ystybayev (Sambo, judo), etc.
Then the students in the national team of Kazakhstan: K. Kuzembayev (judo), Zh. Moldashev, two-time world Cup kick-Boxing E. Onayev, A. Muratov and others graduated from the University. Currently 4 (international level) masters of sports (Sariev Anuar-judo, participant of 31 Paralympic games in judo, Ishanova Nazym prize-winner of the world Boxing championship) 50 masters of sports, 60 candidates for master of sports and more than 50 dischargers.
Students of the specialty Physical culture and sports, Initial military training have friendly meetings with students of other universities, as well as with students of the Astrakhan State technical University. The Department together with professors of Astrakhan State technical University implemented an international scientific-research project: "Development of popular monitoring and motivational systems in the field of health care". Within the framework of the MES program "Kazakhstan invited foreign teachers to higher educational institutions", Alexander Burov, associate Professor of Astrakhan State University, gives lectures on the specialty Physical culture and sport.
At lectures, master classes and teaching sessions at the faculty, of Professor E. Alexander Burov uses a unique method of conducting it during the scientific Council on issues of interest. The IMT specialty increases the level of training of future specialists. Successfully collaborated with the military Department of Kh. Dosmukhamedov ASU.
Material and technical base: sports and cultural complex of the University, an open stadium, a gym, a hall of martial arts and gymnastics, a classroom Fund of 7 classrooms, a summer football field, a sports hall, a library, 3 canteens. An outdoor swimming pool is planned to open in 2016.