Since the creation and at all stages of the Department's existence, the Department has passed a huge, worthy path, made a great contribution to the training and education of the pedagogical army, highly qualified professional staff in the region and the Republic. Among the graduates of the Department, a number of scientists, government and public figures, large entrepreneurs of production are shown at a high level.
In the position of head of the Department worked: from 1979 to 2010 can. of ped. Sciences Karzhaubayev A. B.; 2010-2014 can. of ped. Sciences Tulenova U. T.; 2014-2018 can. of ped. Sciences Mukhanbetzhanova A. U., 2018-2023 can. of ped. Sciences Uteshkaliyeva A. M. Currently, the head of the department is PhD Kinzhibaeva F.B.They made a huge contribution to the teaching and scientific-research activities of the Department. The Department trains professional, highly qualified personnel. Mukhanbetzhanova A. M., B. D. Kalimukasheva, S. G. Aslyaliyeva., G. E. Ishanova and other particularly noteworthy is the work of all. Many of them work at the Department. A scientific school of pedagogical profile is formed and successfully works at the Department. At present, this scientific school is at a qualitatively new level, which is replenished and expanded by graduates of the Department, talented young scientists and teachers who have successfully defended their candidate and doctoral theses. The name of the scientific school of the department: “Integration of preschool and primary education.” Scientific direction: Continuity of education and training in preschool and primary education. Scientific supervisor: Kinzhibaeva F.B.
The department continues established traditional work and revives new work. In particular, professors and teachers of the department, according to the annual plan, write scientific articles and teaching aids, make presentations at international, republican, regional scientific and practical conferences, conduct research on scientific research topics, supervise the scientific work of students, and, according to the annual plan, help students in the preparation of scientific articles and reports, work in collaboration with other fundamental higher educational institutions, research centers, institutes for training and retraining of teaching staff.
Professors and teachers of the department are in close contact with scientists from the State Pedagogical Institute for Girls, the National State Pedagogical University named after Abay, the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, the Center for Pedagogical Excellence and the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel. In this direction, we can note the widely carried out work, such as holding joint regional and international conferences, scientific leadership, and opposition activities.
Today, the department is achieving success in conducting republican subject Olympiads and student research projects. Today, qualified masters are trained under the educational program 7M01301 - “Management in Education”. Students who have improved their education in the cities of Almaty and Aktobe under the academic mobility program in these specialties share their experience. The main goal of academic mobility is to ensure the quality of Kazakhstani higher education in accordance with international standards and increase its competitiveness.
The curators of the department, in addition to providing quality education to students, according to the plan, conduct educational activities among students in five areas. The educational work of the department is to educate youth in citizenship, patriotism, intelligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, state symbols and national traditions; formation of a worldview in a sense of responsibility for the results of one’s actions to oneself and society, in the cultural environment; creating conditions for young people to study world culture by studying the state language and other languages; education of ethnic and religious tolerance based on the established traditions of the country; It is aimed at developing the skills of young people to act against ethno-religious extremism and various radical movements penetrating Kazakhstan from the outside.
Training competitive, professionally and spiritually developed specialists, full of new ideas, is the main task of the faculty of the department.