Department of civil law disciplines

9 октября 2021 г., на платформе ZOOM была проведена онлайн-лекция старшим преподавателем кафедры «Гражданско-правовых дисциплин» Султановой Алии Табылдыкызы на тему «Плагиат и способы защиты» для студентов 1 курса специальности «Юриспруденция» по дисциплине «Академическое письмо» В качестве гостя лекции была приглашена Динаева Бекзат Бегалиевна, профессор Astana It University, кандидат филологических наук. Бекзат Бегалиевна - ученый, написавший несколько научных работ по Академической грамотности и Академической честности. Поэтому у ученого есть большой опыт и наставления, которыми она смогла поделиться со студентами. Это заметили не только студенты, но и преподаватели кафедры во время лекции, длившейся более часа. На лекции представлена большая информация по проблеме плагиата, которая сегодня не потеряла своей актуальности в области науки, в частности были затронуты проблемные вопросы об основных принципах академической честности, о действиях против академической честности, о способах избавления от попытки плагиата, о стилях оформления ссылок.

            On January 25, 2024, teachers of Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, Faculty of Economics and Law, carried out career guidance work with students of the 11th grade of the school-lyceum No. 20 named after A.S. Pushkin, secondary school named after K. Smagulov and secondary school No. 25 named after B. Momyshuly.
       The main goal of career guidance work: to familiarize with the activities of Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov and provide complete information about the educational programs of the faculties.
       Teachers from the Department of Civil Law disciplines introduced students to the educational program 6B04201-Jurisprudence, as well as the advantages that the university offers. Students were informed about the university's strategy and research projects, as well as about student organizations, sports sections, military department requirements and academic mobility programs. The questions asked by the students were fully answered. There is no doubt that career guidance work is very important for future students in choosing a profession.

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  •    On January 31, 2024, teachers of the Faculty of Economics and Law of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova Nysanova S.K., Zhagypar Zh.Zh., Kobdabayeva N.A., Ermekbayeva A.K., Kadyrbergenova A.K., A.K. Masalimova conducted career guidance work at the gymnasium No. 35 named after Hamit Yeraliev in the Orken microdistrict, Atyrau.
       The purpose of career guidance is to familiarize school graduates with information about the university and the educational programs of the faculties.
       During the career guidance work, teachers presented educational programs 6B04101-Economics, 6B04102 – Industry Management, 6B04103-Economics and Public Administration, 6B04104 - Accounting, audit and analysis of business processes, 6B04105-Finance and Analytics, 6B04107-Marketing, 6B04204-Digital Lawyer, 6B04202 - Law enforcement, 6B04201- Jurisprudence, the students were introduced to the technology of the educational process, told about grants, benefits provided by the university, student life, academic mobility of students, etc.
        A member of the admissions committee of the University, N.A. Kobdabayeva, familiarized herself with the conditions of admission to the university, also answered the questions of graduates and invited them to study at our university!!!

    “Píotection of the íights and fíeedoms of Man and citizens in the field of Administíative Law”