Impact Factor

«Impact Factor» or the journal's “Citation Index” is an indicator characterizing the “scientific weight” / popularity of the publication. The citation index is calculated annually by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), USA, and is one of the recognized criteria for assessing the importance of published scientific materials. The prestige of an educational institution consists mainly of the international assessment of the scientific achievements of researchers working in it. Publications of the results of scientific research are an attribute of modern scientific activity and serve as one of the indicators of the success of a researcher’s academic development. Publications in international scientific publications are currently global in nature and serve as a significant indicator of the effectiveness and competitiveness of professors, teachers and researchers worldwide.

To determine the effect of the actual (IF) journal on the number of articles published in those years. The impact factor of journals has been estimated since the 1960s with the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). It was acquired by Thomson in 1992 and is now called Thomson Scientific (Thomson Reuters). Each year, a list of journals with impact rates is published in the Journal Citation Report. November 1, 2018 in Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, Kenzhin Inêsh specialist Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), held a seminar on the support people are using the Web of Science platform and related tools for the selection of journal`s and publishing articles.

November 2, 2018 in Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov was held seminar coordinators ELSEVIER Dina Shaikhislam and Almagul Kamiyeva on theme "Education ELSEVIER: improving the quality of scientific work."