Nauryz is a holiday of spring renewal

Nauryz is a holiday of spring renewal

Nauryz is the beginning of a new year, the arrival of spring, the day when all life on earth is born again. The staff of Atyrau university named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov celebrated the Nauryz holiday in the central square of Atyrau city.
The ceremony "Kelin tusiru, "Betashar", "Tusau kesu" took place in a small village called Khalel.Honorary citizen of Atyrau region Baktybek Taubayev gave his blessing to all those present. Also, during the celebration of Nauryz, competitions in national games were organized-togyzkumalak, asyk atu. The staff of Atyrau university takes an active part in all festive events.
We remind you that since 2024 Nauryz has been celebrated in Kazakhstan for 10 days and this period has acquired the official term Nauryznama.

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