"National games are the treasure of the people"

"National games are the treasure of the people"

In the sports complex "Zhaiyk" of Atyrau university named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, the faculty of innovative education, the department of physical culture and primary military training held an event "National game – folk treasure" within the framework of the week "National education-the future of the nation".
The main purpose of the event is the patriotic education of university students, promotion of cultural values of the Kazakh people, revival of national games, as well as the education of a patriotic person, calling for active participation in public life. At the same time, 250 students of the university performed a flash mob in the national dance of the Kazakh people "Kara zhorga". In order to support the national sport, students competed in a number of Kazakh games, in particular, "Asyk atu", "Khantalapay", "Bes Tas", "Alshi" game and "tug of war", "arm wrestling", "Kazakh kuresi", and "Leang kick".
The event will continue tomorrow with a round table "national games for the generation".

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