PhD, senior lecturer
Departments of Software Engineering
Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology
Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Sharmukhanbet Saltanat, born on 16.05.1984, nationality: Kazakh
Sharmukhanbet Saltanat, 2001-2005 graduated with honors from Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova majored in 030240-Physics and computer science. In 2005-2007, she studied for a master's degree at Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova, upon completion of which she was awarded the master of Physics qualification.
In 2005-2008 worked as a science teacher at school-gymnasium №30, in 2008-2009 he worked as a teacher in a private school "Tehilim" in the city of Atyrau. In 2009-2010, he was a teacher of the Department of "Physics and technical disciplines" of Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov.
In 2010, she entered the PhD doctoral program in the specialty "6D011100 – Computer Science".
In 2013, Sharmukhanbet Saltanat passed the state comprehensive exam and defended her dissertation under the PhD program in the specialty "6D011100 – Informatics", mastered the methods of research, analysis and synthesis of scientific data, as well as teaching methods.
The research work of the employee on the topic "Methodological foundations of teacher training for the use of devices with remote access and virtual devices as a means of informatization of education (on the example of the training of physics teachers)" is to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of virtual devices and devices with remote access as a means of informatization of teaching students of pedagogical universities and their subsequent training of schoolchildren.
The results of the work of Sharmukhanbet S.R were published in scientific and methodological journals- 35 articles, including in scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Science and Education - 8 articles and in the international database of companies Scopus- 3 articles.
Kurmangazieva Lyailya Taskalievna
candidate of technical sciences
Маkhatova Valentina Erkinovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Shynar Kaparovna Yelezhanova
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Asanova Baktygul Ungarsynovna
Doctor of PhD
Shanginova Zhanna Yerbolatovna
Doctor of PhD, acting
Baitemirova Nurgul Bauyrzhanovna
Master's degree, senior lecturer
Turmukhanova Gulnar Boranbaevna
Master's degree, senior lecturer
Amangeldy Ardak Amangeldikyzy
master's degree, teacher
Aigerim Utebayeva
master's degree, teacher
Batyrkhanov Ardak Gabitovich
senior lecturer
Kabatova Akmaral Zholdasovna
senior lecturer,
Izbasarov Yerlan Zhaksybayevich
senior lecturer,
Abilkasimova Asel Seitzhankyzy
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Abdulova Aigul Ermekovna
senior lecturer, Master's degree
Aimbetova Zulfiya Smagulova
master's degree teacher
Мақсотова Жәмила Аманбайқызы
Мақсотова Жәмила Аманбайқызы
Мақсотова Жәмила Аманбайқызы
Туған жылы: 24.11.2002 г.
Тұратын жері: Атырау қ. Шубаркудук 15
Нөмері: моб. 87781886414
Электрондық почта:
Жұмыс тәжірибесі:
2021 – 2023 Атырау ТОО «GIPPO» - кассир
06.02.2023– 01.08.2023 АО «Eurazian Bank» - менеджер
2023-қазірге дейін: .«Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау университеті» КеАҚ
Бағдарламалық инженерия лаборанты
Шет тілдерін білу: Қазақ тілі – ана тілі, Орыс тілі – еркін, ағылшын тілі – Сөздік.
Компьютерді иелену дәрежесі: қуатты пайдаланушы.
Негізгі білім:
2008 - 2019 жж Орта № 7 мектеп. М. Әуезов
2019 – 2023 жылдары Алматы қаласы, Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
Мамандығы: Механика
Біліктілігі: Математик, бағдарламалық жасақтама инженері
Отбасылық жағдайы: бойдақ
Балалардың болуы: жоқ
Жеке қасиеттер: адалдық, дәлдік, қарым-қатынас, жаман әдеттер жоқ.