Omirbek K. Bekezhan
Education: 1985-1990. Faculty of Philosophy and Economics of the Belarusian State University.
Specialty: "philosophy".
Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy, Assoc.Professor
Professional qualification: "Philosopher. A teacher of philosophy."
Information about work: Teacher, senior lecturer. Departments of Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology (1990-1994). Associate Professor (Associate Professor)- since 2003. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences -1998. Doctor of Philosophy -2011. Head of the Department of Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology (2002-2008) Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines - (2008-2017). Deputy.Director of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in the Atyrau region of JSC NCPC "Orleu" (2018). Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines (2019-2021). Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and World History -(2021-2023) Head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations - since September 2023.
The list of subjects taught: philosophy, history and philosophy of science, research methods, sociology, cultural studies.
Scientific direction: social philosophy, philosophy of technology, social mythology.
Scientific projects: 1. Grant of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "Foreign labor migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan and problems of national security in conditions of sustainable development: monitoring of the situation and socio-cultural analysis (Atyrau region)" 2008 - 2009.Project manager.
2. Grant of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "Places of memory" in modern culture of Kazakhstan: processes of commemoration in public spaces".2018-2019
Professional development:
1 Advanced training course for teachers of higher educational institutions methods of online teaching of the discipline"philosophy". 02.12-15.12.2020 Almaty. Al-Farabi at. KazUU. 72c Certificate.
2. University management, Leadership in pedagogy. 12.02-02/14/2021. "Ulttyk Ustaz -online Academies".24h Certificate.
3. "Competence approach and digital tools in teaching philosophical disciplines" (72 hours). Scientific and Educational Center of the Department of Philosophy of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 13.03.23-30.03.2023. Certificate.
4. Internship under the academic mobility program "Orkhun" at the Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas". Bishkek. 01-12.2023
Public publications: 1.Our autonomy is in demographics.(co-author).Almaty: Almaty: Seven Charters.- 1999. 220 P.;
2.Society and myth. (manual) Almaty.- Domino Publishing House.- 2002. - 124 P; 3.Philosophical aspects of Technology. Training manual. Almaty. – 2007. - 91 P.;
4.The phenomenon of Technology: socio-philosophical analysis. Monograph. Atyrau.- 2016 p.329;
5. Social mythology. Monograph.Atyrau.-2019. - 220 P;
6. Traces of philosophy in serikbol Kondibain mythology research / / Kazakh mythology Research (Collective monograph); Ankara 2022-245;
7.Sosyal mifoloji. Turkye. Ankara.Grafiker.2023. - 202p. monograph;
8. formation of Technology in Kazakhstan / / anthology on philosophy. Volume II. Almaty, darynbaspa.2023.
Ismurzina Gulnara
Date of birth:18.02.1965.
Nationality: Kazakh
Citizenship: Republic Of Kazakhstan
Place of birth: West Kazakhstan region.
Address of work: NAO H. Dosmukhamedov AU Atyrau, student Avenue, 1
Foreign languages: Russian, English-elementary.
Education 1985-1990. C.M. Kirov Kazakh State University Faculty of Journalism Specialty: journalist, teacher, philologist
Assigned qualifications:
E 1990-1992. TV journalist, editor of the Atyrau regional TV and radio committee.
E 1992-2005. Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the secondary school named after H. Naubetov.
2005-2006-linguist of the isatay District House of schoolchildren
In 2006, he was a correspondent in the district newspaper "Naryn Tany" with an additional visit.
2007-2012 isatay District Department of Education methodologist of linguistics, freelance correspondent.
E 2012-2013. Teacher of Kazakh language and literature at the humanitarian college named after K. Dutbaeva, press secretary.
2013-2017-senior lecturer of the Department" Education and socialization of personality", branch of JSC "ncpc" Orleu "Institute of advanced training of pedagogical workers in Atyrau region;
Chief Specialist of the Department" methodological support for Innovative Development Since 2017, he has been a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and arts of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Scientific direction: journalism, philology
Academic degree: Master of humanities with a degree in philology. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
PLACE OF WORK:NJSC Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov. Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Department of Journalism
1. he completed a scientific internship at Kalmyk State University and mastered a 72-hour master's program on the topic "current problems of modern philology". Elista city of Kalmyk 19-30.05.2014
2. participated in the training seminar-training on the topic "author's rights in the medium of mass information" organized by the National Association of TV and radio broadcasters of Kazakhstan /25.09.2014/ and received a certificate.
3. certificate on the topic" vocational education system of the country of Austria " 14-19.12. 2015 Austria. The city of Vienna.
4. certificate on the topic" Dual Training System of the country of Austria " 14-19.12. 2015 Austria. The city of Vienna.
5. Certificate of English language courses organized by the British Council at the British Embassy.15.10-15.12.1016
6. International Winter School of journalism and communication" radio and sports: on the way to the development of an educational society " 72 hours Certificate No. 008 25-27.01. 18 - on-line 29-31.01.2018 Almaty. "Anti-corruption Management Systems" Agency introduction ISO 2018 72 hours
7. «Latyn negizdi qazaq jazyynyn jana emle erejeleri» course on the topic 24-29.06. 2019 24 hours at MU
8. «Новейшие тренды масс-медиа: журналистика сегодня и завтра» 2-18.10.2019 Atsu named after H. Dosmukhamedov and the Eurasian Academy of television and radio 72 hours.Certificate
9. " Formation of skills and abilities for university teachers to use methods and techniques of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process as a result of studying innovative technologies in the framework of updated education "27-29.11. 2019 Republican advisory educational center" Nursultan " 72 hours. Certificate
10. " Technology of preparation of the author's program and methodological manuals on the updated content of Education " May 1, 2020.
11. The volume of the Republican author's training course of the educational and methodological center" leader " is 8 hours.Certificate registration number OS / 20-02-0801.
12. " Distance Learning: From lesson development to Organization of the educational process "11-21.2020 JSC" National Center for advanced training" ORLEU". 40 H. Certificate
13. Advanced training course" the role of national media in modern pedagogy: the image of a teacher and an indicator of a student's performance " February 10-21, 2020 Al-Farabi National University. The Advanced Training Course organized by the Faculty of journalism and the Institute of advanced training is 72 hours. Registration Number No. 5 Certificate
14. "Environmental Journalism in the framework of Sustainable Development Goals" March 15-19, 2021 Al-Farabi National University. The Advanced Training Course organized by the Faculty of journalism and the Institute of advanced training is 72 hours. Certificate of registration number No. 42
15. Online course of advanced training" TELEGRAM for teachers "within the framework of the distance media educational project" Mediapedagogy "April 21-28, 2021 Center for Humanitarian Scientific Research" Medicare " Al-Farabi National University, Almaty-2021 72 hours.Certificate No. 31
16. Online training" methods of improving Media Literacy "for university teachers with the support of" Internews in Kazakhstan".June 7-10, 2021 representative office of the International Organization Atyrauinternews Network in Kazakhstan 32C certificate
17. Online course of advanced training "multimedia tools for teachers" 29.11-04.12.2021 Center for Humanitarian Scientific Research "Medicare" Al-Farabi National University, Almaty-2021 72c. certificate
18. "The role of radio in the XXI century: global perspective, sustainable development,access to reliable information, impact on human destiny" IX International Winter School of journalism and communication. 17-23.02.2022 Al-Farabi National University, Almaty-2022 72 hours. Certificate No. 5
19. " Journalism in conflict situations " 23.03-03.04.2022 Center for advanced training of Al-Farabi National University, Almaty-2022 72h. Certificate No. 3
20. " Al-Farabi National University. Week "global media and information literacy" organized by the Center for advanced training of specialists of public relations and press service international Autumn School of PR. October 27-November 5, 2022. Certificate / 72 hours/;
21. Online seminar on the topic "School of financial journalism in the field of pension provision" UAPF with WebEx webinar of the online School of financial journalism on the problems of the accumulative pension system. November 25, 2022.Certificate.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT: «Introduction to journalism», «Military journalism, creative skills of a journalist», "Theory and practice of international journalist work", "Bigital photojournalism".
• «I. Zhakanov-cultural and spiritual worker of the Kazakh people XXXIX international scientific and practical conference Moscow December, 2018 Certificate
• «Article" Kazakh mass media: globalization and modernization of public consciousness " /Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Messenger-Vestnik. / HAC / ISSN 1563-0323, eISSN 2618-0782. №3 (175) September 2019 Almaty "Kazakh University"
• "Effective communication with PR and the media" article.Department of television and radio and public relations of the Eurasian National University named after N. Gumilyov "we are together! international scientific and practical Online Conference of Student Youth "World PR: relevance and Prospects" April 25, 2020
• "Effective communication with PR and the media" article.Department of television and radio and public relations of the Eurasian National University named after N. Gumilyov "we are together! international scientific and practical Online Conference of Student Youth "World PR: relevance and Prospects" April 25, 2020
• "Specific features of oralkhan Bokeyev journalism" article GVUZ " Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovorod "Oo" Institute of public transformation "LX international scientific conference" actual scientific research in the modern world " April 26-27, 2020
• "The first editors of Kazakh journalism "article" current scientific research in the Modern World " magazine ISCIENCE.IN.UA G. Pereyaslav Ukraine RINs October, 2020 №10 (66) Part 6
• «Article" journalism in the media "international scientific and theoretical conference" scientific and pedagogical aspects of modern journalism " dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, professor of the North Kazakhstan University named after Manash Kozybayev, who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic journalism 5.05.2022 North Kazakhstan University named after Manash Kozybayev, Petropavlovsk
• «Article" reporting on television and its main features "//international scientific conference on the topic" MODERN SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES and TRENDS " /modern scientific challenges and trends. SECTION: JOURNALISM. SCIENCECENTRUM.PL. ISSUE 9 (54); ISBN 978-83-949403-3-1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe "iScience" Poland, Warsaw. (December 16-17, 2022) is now included in the collection pp. 65-69. Certificate
• "Educator, teacher, translator –N. Zaliyev "article" CURRENT CHALLENGES of MODERN SCIENCE " LXHVI International scientific conference 26-27 December 2022.Ukraine city of Pereyaslav. And now in the kit. Pp. 34-37 certificate
Methodical manual-1
Auxiliary tool-1
Mazhitova Lyazzat Kabdirovna
Date of birth: 05.02.1964
Nationality: Kazakh Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan Place of birth: Atyrau region, Tengiz district, Suyyndyk village Work address: Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Atyrau, Student Avenue 1
E-mail: Foreign languages: russian–fluent, английский-elementary. Education 1985-1990гг. Kazakh State University named after M. Kirov, Faculty of Journalism
Specialty: Journalism
Qualification: Journalist 2006-2023yy. Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Department of Journalism, Senior lecturer. Place of work: Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Department of Journalism
• IV International Summer School of Journalism and Communication, a 72-hour refresher course "Informatively literate population in the era of digital civilization: investments for teenage girls". 2016
• "The use of interactive methods in higher education institutions" Almaty 2016
• Certificate No. 021 for passing the summer school of journalism and communication "21st century - the era of digital civilization. Improving the information literacy of the population of Kazakhstan with a special focus on investing in teenage girls as part of the celebration of World Population Day. 2016 July 9-11. Kyrgyzstan
• Certificate of participation confirming participation in the seminar "The role of journalism in the modern world" Astana, May 14, 2015
• "Introduction of new content in education". Almaty, 11. 03.2017
• Professional development of personnel on the topic "Fundamentals of the methodology of pedagogical measurements". 25.05. 2018.
• Seminar "Business strategy of the University as a contribution to the development of the economy of the region and the country". 21.06-8.07.2016
• Training of specialists according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 "Anti-corruption management systems", the course "Anti-corruption management systems". Atyrau, 2018.
• «Latyn negizdi qazaq jazyynyn jana emle erejeleri». 24-29. 06. 2019 Atyrau
• "Development of distance learning technologies for humanities". Karaganda, 19.02.-19.03 2016
• "Current problems of European integration and diplomacy" in accordance with the plan of the Jean Monnet project. Astana, 2019. April 15-30
• A seminar held by specialists of the "National Association of Broadcasters of Kazakhstan". The purpose of the lecture "some aspects of the legislation of Kazakhstan on mass media": a course to improve the degree of legal culture of journalists, media executives and lawyers. Almaty. 15.02.19.
• 72-hour practical seminar course on the topic: "Formation of skills, abilities and skills of applying methods of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process as a result of the study of innovative technologies by university teachers within the framework of updated education." Nur-Sultan, November 27-29, 2019
• The author's course "Technology of preparation of textbooks, author's programs, educational and methodical complexes and teaching aids". August 21, 2020.
• The author's course "Technology of preparation of the author's program and methodical manual in the updated content of education". 30.04.2020w.
• Advanced training course for university teachers "The role of national media in modern pedagogy: the image of a teacher and an indicator of learning outcomes". February 10-21, 2020.
• "Modern forms and methods of teaching: searches and solutions. Nur-Sultan, March 30 - April 4, 2020.
• Online advanced training course "Multimedia tools for teachers". 29.11.2021-04.12.2021w.
• Advanced training course "Accessible radio to every resident and the entire population: in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic". February 11-16, 2021
• VIII International Winter School of Journalism and Communication "Accessible Radio to every citizen and all the people: the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic", dedicated to World Radio Day and the 100th anniversary of Qazaq radiosy. February 11-16, 2021.
• A refresher course in environmental journalism within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. March 15-19, 2021.
• Online advanced training course "Telegram for teachers" within the framework of the project of distance media education "Media Pedagogy". April 21-28.2021.
• Online training of methods of improving media literacy for university teachers, held with the support of Internews in Kazakhstan. June 7-10, 2021
• Advanced training course "The role of radio in the XXI century: Global perspective, sustainable development, access to reliable information, influence on human destiny". February 17-23, 2022
• Advanced training course "Global Media and Information Literacy Week". October 27-28, 2022
• Advanced training course "Journalism in conflict situations". March 25 - April 3, 2022
• Children's journalism
• Professional ethics of a journalist
• History of Kazakh journalism and new media
• Audience of the Press and electronic media
• Psychology and Sociology of Journalism
• Media management and Marketing
• Speech techniques and driving skills
• Genre forms and functions of modern journalism
• Modern text. Media language and style
• "The need for the development of intellectual forms in the formation of a creative personality". Republican scientific and theoretical conference "Zhumat Tlepov and problems of the history of Kazakh literature", Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 11 April 2014 123 – p. 23
• Types of intelligence in the formation of personality. At the International Scientific Conference" Scientific Research and Experimental Development " my article was published at the conference on November 3-4, 2022 in London.
• TV reportage and its main features. Modern Scientific Challenges and Trends. Collection of Scientific works of the International Scientific Conferenceю. Issue 9(54). Warsaw 2022. On December 16-17, a joint article was published with senior lecturer, master Ismurzina G. B.
• Educator, teacher, translator -N.. Zaliev. Actual scientific research in the modern world published a scientific article. Together with the senior teacher, master Ismurzina G. B. December 26-27. Ukraine.
Akhonova Meruyet
Date of birth: 6.11.1968
Nationality: Kazakh
Citizenship: Kazakh Republic Place of Birth: Atyrau region, Atyrau city Address of work: Student avenue, 212
Languages: Russian – intermediate
Education: 1986 - 1993 y. Kazakh State University named after Kirov. Faculty of Journalism
Specialty: journalist
Qualification: 1993 - 1998 y. Atyrau regional television and radio company. Journalist 1998 - 2020 y. «Акжайык» LLP, journalist. 2021 г. Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhambetov, Lecturer
Place of employment: Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhambetov, NAO. Humanities and Faculty of Arts. Department of Journalism.
Refresher courses
1. "Contemporary skills of higher education Faculty" 22.11.2021-12.12.2021 г. Атырау. Кenzhegali Sagadiyev University of International Business, Kazakhstan.
2. "Multimedia tools for teachers", 29.11-04.12.2021 Almaty, "Mediasphere" Center for Humanitarian Research
3. "IX International Winter School of Journalism and Communication" "The place of radio in the XXI century: a global perspective, sustainable development, access to reliable information, reflection on the fate of a person", 21-23.02.2022 Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
4. Lecture on security, media ethics and conflict-sensitive journalism. January-February 2022 Atyrau. "Kazakhstan Media Network", NGO.
5. «Fact-Checking and Verification». 7-16.03.2022 Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
6. «Journalism in conflict situations. 25.03-03.04.2022 Almaty. KazNU named after Al-Farabi
7. "Media and the rally: the place of the media in the protests." April, 2022 Atyrau. Bolashaq Media Club.
8. "Effective lesson planning", 10/14/2022 Atyrau. "Nazarbayev Intellectual School" AEO Center for Pedagogical Excellence
9. VI International Autumn PR School "Global Media and Information Literacy Week, 27.10-5.11.2022" Almaty, KazNU named after Al-Farabi
• Foreign Journalism
• Practicym of modern mediacontent
• Design, web design and SEO optimization
• Psychology and Sociology of Journalism
• Military Journalism
• Publication of newspaper-magazine and television and radio broadcasts
• Online broadcasting
• Creative workshop of a publicist
Kairova Gulsara
Birthday: 13.12.1968
Nationality: Kazakh
Citizenship: Kazakhstan Place of birth: Atyrau
Place of work: Atyrau University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov, Student Avenue, 1
Foreign languages: Russian - free, English - elementary.
Education: 1986-1991 KazGU named after S.M. Kirov, Faculty of Journalism
Specialty: journalism
Skills: 1991-1993 - Responsible secretary - the newspaper "Kaspiy tany" Balykshinsky district. 1993-1995 –Atyrau regional TV – editor of the Balykshin TV channel. 1995-1996 - head of the department of the newspaper "Aqikat zholy" of the department of justice of the Atyrau region. 1996-2001 - chief specialist of the personnel department of the Atyrau city akimat. 2001-2020 - correspondent-translator of the newspaper "Ak zhaiyk" Atyrau region. 2020-2023 -Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova
Scientific direction: journalism
Place of employment: Department of Journalism, Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova
Refresher courses
"Effective lesson planning" Seminar of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" 10/14/2022
Advanced training courses in journalism “Zhandyk media zhane akparattyk sauattylyk aptalygy” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University October 28-November 5, 2022
72-hour advanced training courses at the IX International Winter School of Journalism and Communication “The Role of Radio in the 21st Century: Global Perspective, Sustainable Development, Access to Reliable Information, Reflection in Human Destinies” dedicated to World Radio Day February 21-23, 2022
Advanced training course “Kaktygys zhagdayyndagy journalism” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University March 25 – April 3, 2022
Academic writing
Introduction to journalism
History of Kazakh journalism and new media
The art of public speaking
Modern media text.
Media language and style
Genre forms and functions of modern journalism
Kurak A.Gulbaram
Date of birth:16.09.1998
Nationality: Kazakh Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
Place of birth: Atyrau region, Indersky district, Koktogai village
Work address: NAO Au named after H. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau, students ave., 1
Foreign languages: Russian – fluent, English-B1.
* 2016-2020 L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Faculty of Journalism and Political Science, Bachelor's degree in Journalism;
* 2020-2022 Master's degree in Social Sciences at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University
Scientific direction: journalism
Place of work: NAO Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov. Department of Journalism
1. Title: "The language and style of journalistic research in the mass media." VI International Scientific and Practical Conference of the National Academy of Sciences "Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov actual problems of modern journalism and PR" (November 14).
2. Title: "Journalistic research in the Kazakh media: theory and practice". The XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Global Science and Innovation: Central Asia" (November 25-30), organized in Astana by the association of legal entities in the form of the association "National Movement "Bobek" together with the Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan.
3. The name: "Kimnin balasy?". The Republican creative contest "Uly Dala" dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Magzhan Zhumabayev, organized by the Amanat party (November 20).
4 Training: A training aimed at improving media literacy for trainers, organized by the MediaNet International Journalism Center. (December 1-2).