Amanov Kh. Kambarbek
Utaraliyev Aisa Bakhtiyarovich
FULL NAME: Bekisheva Asel Serikovna
Date of birth: 12/27/1983
Name of the University: NAO "Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov"
Academic degree: Regional Socio-Innovative University, Faculty of Arts, specialty Design, Master of Art History
Position: Head of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, Master of Arts, senior lecturer, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, member of the Union of Ethnodesigners of Kazakhstan
Contact details:
Higher education. 2001-2005 - Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts, Drawing and Design, specialty Fine Arts and Drawing
Magistracy. 2016-2018 Regional Socio-Innovative University, Faculty of Arts, specialty Design Master of Arts
Teaching experience
2005-2008 Makhambet secondary school named after E. Ageleuov Makhambet district
2008 Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Head of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Master's degree, Senior Lecturer
Развитие навыков
CERTIFICATE 02.05.2016 educational program of the advanced training course for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "modern pedagogical technologies" (240 hours)
CERTIFICATE 2016 completed the advanced training course «development of distance learning technologies for humanities» (72 hours)
CERTIFICATE From 09 to 22 November 2021 completed advanced training courses on the topic "academic drawing, kekindim" (72 hours)
CERTIFICATE From November 15 to 30, 2021, he completed the course «Basics of working with the Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp graphics program» (72 hours).
СЕРТИФИКАТ Was present actively at an international seminar on the theme «Physical materials for creating layouts in graphic design» (72 academic hours)
CERTIFICATE of Scientific foreign internship under the Orkhun program 23.10-06.11.2023 State of Turkey, University "ULUDAG" Bursa
The production of educational materials and the production of educational materials.
• Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the spiritual worldview of students of the specialty art education based on ethnodesign publishing house 4th International symposium of turkology studies. October 20-22, 2022, pp. 246-252., Van, Turkiye.
• The problem of teaching "artistic work" in an updated educational school. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "educated generation: experience and prospects of science and education" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of teacher, scientist, public figure, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Imangaliev Askhat Salimovich. 2023 ISBN 978-601-262-531-8. - 545 P.
• The problem of teaching the subject of "Artistic work" at school on the basis of an updated education. Republican scientific and practical conference "updated education: the experience of universities and secondary schools " Aktobe 2020. ISBN 978-601-7566-30-2. 313c.
• Revista Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. Mexco 2019 2 p.
• Effective ways of managing a comprehensive Kazakh school in modern social conditions. "The Great names of the Great Steppe" Bosantos Bahadur and the Turkic world of Aktobe 2019. ISBN 978-601-7566-30-2 313 C.
• Increasing the creative potential of students in the study of computer embroidery technology. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Bulletin Series «Pedagogical sciences» No.2(62) Almaty 2019. 174 p.
• Development of students' information competence in the process of designing clothing models. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Rukhani zhangyru-the basis of a bright future" ISSN 978-9965-07-329-8 Shymkent 2018
• Features of the formation of the communicative competence of future specialists through information technology. The competence of a teacher is a republican magazine. Shymkent -2017 ISSN 760074 31-33 P .
• Modeling of social systems and political modernization in Kazakhstan. The material collection of the international scientific conference "The role of the beauties of the Great Steppe in the history of Eurasia " ISSN 978-601-262-321-5. Atyrau 2019. 125-127 P.
• Pedagogical characteristics of the technology of formation of creative activity of students. Kazakhstan scientific and practical conference "revival of national consciousness: scientific and methodological problems of the development of the intellectual generation", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Academician, Ph.D., Associate professor, knight of the Order of "Kurmet" Daumov N.G.Atyrau 2018. ISBN 978-601-601-332-196-72 96-101 P.
• The influence of craft on the formation of an individual style and its aesthetic taste. Actual problems of art and music pedagogy: traditions, innovations Atyrau 2017. 227-230 p.
• The student is a future specialist. H. Dosmukhambetov.At the republican scientific and practical conference "Rukhani zhangyru: updated education and upbringing", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Seitaliev K. B., Atyrau State University 2017.ISBN 978-601-262-252-2 58-59 Pp.
• DEVELOPMENT OF POSITIVE INTEREST AND CREATIVE INTERESTS OF STUDENTS IN THE YOUTH MOVEMENT IN THE REGIONS OF THE COUNTRY. International scientific and practical conference" modern educational science and psychology". Almaty 2018.104-108 P.
• Features of the formation of the communicative competence of future specialists through information technology. The competence of the teacher.Almaty 2017.31-33 P.
Guidance or mentoring
• Supervisor of student research projects, external scientific consultant for school teachers of the subject of Fine Arts and artistic labor.
Participation in symposiums, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
• CERTIFICATE Was present activery at an international seminar on the theme «Textile design and art » This event was conducted on the date of 29 December 2023( online mode seminar)
• CERTIFICATE Was present actively at an international seminar on the theme “Physical materials for creating layouts in graphic design” (72 academic hours) The internship was conducted between 23th October – 6th of November, 2023 (offline mode seminar)
• CERTIFICATE International online Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Atyrau University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov on 12/18/2020
• Katilim Belgesi 2021 «II Uluslararasi Panorama Sanat Kampi»
• Katilim Belgesi 26-28 Kasim 2021 Uluslararasi Akdeniz de Guzel Sanatlar Sempozyumu Kultur Sanat Calistayna karma sergi ile katiliminizdan dolayi tesekkur ederiz.
• CERTIFICATE 2022 the online scientific journal «Daraboz Education» took part in the republican contest "Ustaz oneri", which was held from February 10 to March 2.
• CERTIFICATE 2023 for the organization of the creative exhibition "Nauryz-Koktem" with professors and teachers of the Department of Fine Arts and Design of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.
• CERTIFICATE 2022 network scientific journal "Daraboz Education" for participation in the republican contest "Ustaz oneri", which was held from February 10 to March 2.
• CERTIFICATE on 03/14/2022 for participation in the republican contest "Ustaz oneri" organized by the intellectual educational portal Abyra.
• CERTIFICATE on 03/14/2022 for participation in the republican contest "Ustaz oner", organized by the intellectual educational portal Abyra.
• CERTIFICATE 2017 «Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov 2017-2020 for participation in the strategic session» discussion of the development strategy.
Name: Gadilbek Alzhanov
Date of birth: 25.11.1982
Name of the university: "Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University" KeJSC
Academic degree: "6D0010700 - PhD in fine arts and drawing
Position: senior teacher of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, member of the Union of Ethnodesigners of Kazakhstan
Contact information:
2000-2004 BSMU named after Makhambet Utemisuly
Faculty: fine arts and design, specialty: applied decorative arts, qualification: highly professional decorative arts artist
2013-2015 BSMU named after Makhambet Otemisuly
6М042100 – Master of Arts in Design.
2017-2020 KazNPU named after Abai
"6D0010700 - PhD in fine arts and drawing Completed the doctoral course.
2023 Scholarship holder of the Bolashak 500-scientist project, art management specialty, Antalya, Republic of Turkiye.
Akdeniz University, Faculty of Arts
Pedagogical experience
2004-2005 Karatobe district, Karatobe school gymnasium teacher of fine arts
▪ 2005-2017 - senior teacher of the "Fine Art and Drawing" department
ASU named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov
▪ 2020 - senior teacher of the "Fine Art and Design" department Skill development
▪Tomer 03.02.2023 (Certificate)
▪Future 500th scientist "Art Management" 18.09.23-26.12.23 (Certificate)
Turkish language 01.02.22-25.05.22 (Certificate)
▪ "Quality and demand of products made of natural materials" 06.17.22-06.28.22 (Certificate)
▪ "Restoration of archaeological relics and objects" 04.20.2022-04.30.2022 (Certificate)
▪ "Innovative births in inclusive education" 12.2022-24.12.22 (Certificate)
▪ "Graphic design" 23.11.21-07.12. 21 years (Certificate)
▪ "Academic drawing" 09.11.21-22.11.21 (Certificate)
▪ "Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp graphic software" 15.11.21-30.11.21 (Certificate)
▪"The use of traditional motifs in modern ethno-design" 23.10.23-06.11.23 (Certificate)
▪Akdeniz University international internship 16.06.22-28.06.22 (Certificate)
▪Certificate JSC "NCKP-ORLEU", 2013 Research and scientific projects
№АР08053283 "Evolution of eco-design in traditional and modern national art in art education"
Production of scientific articles and educational materials.
Worldview bases of art education Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev Bulletin No. 5 (120) 2017, pp. 453-456.
The importance of art schools in the formation of the spiritual worldview of students International scientific journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan” (State registration: No. 9875-I, 09.02.2009 International registration: ISSN 2073 - 333X, Paris, March 2009. Issued since 2018, No. 4 (62) 2018, 149-153 bb
Factors in the formation of the spiritual worldview of art education students based on ethnodesign Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay ISBN 978-601-298-727-0 Almaty: KazNPU named after. Abay, publishing house "Ulagat", 2018, 275-279 pp.
Educational mechanisms of formation of students' spiritual worldview based on ethnodesign Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Educational mechanisms for the formation of the spiritual worldview of students based on ethnodesign. Trends in the development of contemporary art within the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” ISBN 978-601-218-323-9 Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after. T. Zhurgenova, Almaty, 2018
The role of ethnodesign in the formation of spiritual education of art education students Baspa Modern global integration of the scientific community February 26-28, 2018, 92-97 bb. Kyoto, Japan.
Ethnic Design in Kazakh National Tapestry Art Past and Present of Turkish Arts from Central Asia to Anatolia, Konya, November 2020, 355-360
Pedagogical conditions for formation of spiritual worldview of art education students on the basis of ethnodesign. Publication 4th International symposium of turkology studies. October 20-22, 2022, pp. 246-252, Van, Turkiye.
Pedagogical foundations of the issue of eco-design in contemporary modern national art Bulletin of the Kazakh National Girls' Pedagogical University, 2021. - pp. 170-179.
The role of eco-design in the fashion industry in the art education of future specialistsVestnik Toraigyrov University No. 3 (2021) Pavlodar. - 58-71 pp.
Formation of a spiritual worldview in students of art education specialties with the help of ethno-design technology БаспаWorld Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, Volume 12, Issue 1, (2022) 00-000 Scopus
Folk motifs in modern Kazakh machine graphics. Institute of Literature and Art at M. O. Auezov Avenue. Caravan #3 (2022) Almaty. - pp. 285-303.
The art of embroidery through eco-design in art education development Pedagogy and psychology - pp. 83-95.
Forming the spiritual worldview of art education students on the basis of ethnodesign, Bulletin of Abay KazNUPU "Pedagogical Sciences", No. 3(75), 2022. Almaty. - pp. 187-196.
Karim Baigutov., Aman Ibragimov.,Gadilbek Alzhanov "Engraving Techniques: Evaluating and redesigning the teaching practices of the Kazak Mythology" Kurdish Studies Journal ISSN 2051-4883, 5950-5959 бб.
Guidance or mentoring
Leader of students' research projects, external scientific consultant for school teachers of fine art and artistic work.
Participation in symposia, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
1.Gadilbek ALZHANOV, Doç. Dr. Aydın ZOR, Sanat Eğitiminin Sanat Alanındaki Yeri ve Önemi / / The Place and Importance of Art Education in the Field of Art. XXI ғасырдағы түркі әлеміндегі өнер: мәселелері және оны шешу жолдары 03-04 қазан 2023 жыл. Астана, Қазақстан). (Certificate)
2. Gadilbek Alzhanov. "Dünyadaki Belirli Etnik Gruplardan Tekstil EtnoTasarım Örnekler"// II. ULUSLARARASI ELSANDER SOSYAL BILIMLER KONGRESI 13-15 EKIM 2023.ALANYA/ ANTALYA (Certificate)
3. Әлжанов Ғ.М., Зор А."Көркем білім берудегі Арт-менеджмент технологиялары"// III. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası İletişim ve Sanat Sempozyumu, 25-28 Ekim, Bakü, Azerbaycan (Certificate)
4. Gadilbek Alzhanov. Некоторые особенности мемориально – культовых памятников Западно – Казахстана//ULUSLARARASI TÜRK KÜLTÜR &SANATLARINI TANITMA SEMPOZYUMU VIII. CUMHURİYETİMİZİN 100. YILI (21-24 KASIM 2023 AFYON-SANDIKLI) (Certificate)
5. Gadilbek Alzhanov "New direction in the architecture of memorial and cult monuments" V. Uluslararası Akdeniz Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi. 22-24 ARALIK 2023 – ALANYA (Certificate)
● Medal "For creative excellence in design art" Eurasian Union of Designers, 2021.
● Thank you letter of the Ministry of Education and Science, 2021.
Full Name: Rakhmetov Zheksenbek Salykuly
Date of birth: 06.01.1961
Name of the University: Noncommercial JSC "Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov"
Academic degree: no
Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and Design
Contact information:
1978-1982. Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, Order of Red Banner of Labor (KazNPU), Faculty of Arts and Graphics, teacher of fine arts and drawing
Pedagogical experience
▪ 1982-1996 - teacher of fine arts and drawing at the secondary school named after Kh. Abakhanov in Orlik village, Inder district, Atyrau region
▪ Since 1996, senior lecturer at the Department of "Fine Art and Design" of Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov
Skills development
§ From February 17 to March 17, 2016, took a refresher course "Development of distance learning technologies for humanitarian specialties" (72 hours), 17.03.2016. Certificate
§ "Modern pedagogical technologies"
Educational program of professional development courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities (240 hours), 28.05.2016. Certificate
§ For contribution to the implementation of the innovative educational project "Children's University" of Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, March 27-31, 2017. Certificate
§ "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" IEU
Completed the training course in the amount of 80 academic hours on the educational program of professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions, preparing teaching staff in the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence, May 3, 2019. Certificate
Leadership or mentoring
DIPLOMA III degree for leading the student team on the homework "ART EDUCATION KZ: the power of art in the development of human potential" on the specialty "5B010700-Fine Arts and Drawing" at the XІ Republican Subject Olympiad of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 2019
DIPLOMA III degree for leading the student team on the creative task "Drafting " of specialty "5B010700-Fine Arts and Drawing" at the XI Republican Subject Olympiad of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 2019
DIPLOMA III degree for leading the student team on the creative task "Drawing" specialty "5В010700-Fine Arts and Drawing" at the XІ Republican Subject Olympiad of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 2019
DIPLOMA III degree for leading the student team on the creative task "Composition" of the specialty "5В010700-Fine Arts and Drawing" at the XI Republican Subject Olympiad of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 2019
● Letter of gratitude from the Akim of Atyrau City, October 2016
● Awarded a certificate of merit for winning 2nd place at the city open chess tournament dedicated to the "Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan", December 1, 2018
● Acknowledgment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December 24, 2018
● Jubilee medal "50 years of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sport" for contribution to the development of the Institute of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, October 11, 2019, №30
● Jubilee medal "50 years of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sport" for contribution to the development of the Institute of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, October 11, 2019, №155
● Badge “For services to the development of the University", May 26, 2021, №44
● Certificate of Honor for active participation in the republican men's chess tournament of the branch trade union, January 2022
Full name: Koyangaliev Yerkinin Satashevich
Date of birth:19.09.1972 year
Name of the University:" NAO " Atyrau University named of Kh. Dosmukhamedov”
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Position: Associate Professor, Actingо.. member of the Eurasian Union of Designers. European Union "Contact details of the "Honorary Designer" of the Eurasian Union
1989-1994 years "Order of the Badge of Honor”" Ural State Pedagogical Institute of A.S.Pushkin.
Faculty: Arts and Graphics, specialty: fine arts, drawing and labor training, Qualification: teacher of fine arts, drawing and labor
2011- g.. Kazakhstan by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science, on February 26, the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded.
2019-2021 Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems.
Awarded "automation and control" bachelor's degree in the educational program” automation and control ” ,Bachelor's degree "engineering and technology" in the educational program 6b07116 "automation and control "engineering and technology" Bachelors degree .
Teaching staff experience
Have a teaching experience AMU named after H.AMU named by Dosmukhamedov
▪1994-2000 years .- "Pedagogical Faculty of preschool and primary education". "Position of the teacher" Department of pedagogy of primary school education"" okytushy lauazymy.
▪ 2000-2001 years. Department of Fine Arts Senior Teacher of Educational Art, Drawing and Design" Senior Teacher
" ▪ 2001-2004 years . "Fine arts withthe head of the department " inventive art, blackening and design department mengerushi".
▪ 2015-2019 2015-2019 "Beineleu OneriHead of the Department of Fine Arts, Drawing and Designsi
" § skills development
§ 2015 inAstana, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science-Astana Astana, participated in the advanced training course in NISH
§ academic hour-75
Guidance or mentoring is
the head of student research projects, special arts , external scientific adviser for school teachers of fine arts and artistic labor. Author of reviews on regional and republican subject Olympiads.
● 2014. The Ministry of Science and Education awarded ”Thank you letter from the" Ministry of Science and Education" of Certificated
● 2015 2015 Honorary awards. certificate of the Ministry of Culture and Archival Affairs.
●2017 2017.. awarded the badge of Ibrai Altynsarin for significant success in training and educating the younger generation
●2021 2021.. Letter "Algy from" Nurotan regional branch 2021. "Letter from" Nurotan regional branch letter"
Name: Mukhanova Ainur
Date of birth: 07.12.1978
Name of the university: "Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University" KeJSC
Academic degree: 6М010300- Pedagogy and Psychology
Position: senior teacher of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
Contact information:
1995-2000 Taraz State University named after MH Dulati
Technology of sewing products" specialty "technological engineer
2012-2014 Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov Specialty "5В010700-Fine arts and drawing".
2014-2016 RSE EJ "Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University"
6М010300- Pedagogy and Psychology
Pedagogical experience
▪ 2005-2024 - senior teacher of the "Fine Art and Drawing" department
ASU named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov
▪ 2021-2024 Deputy employee of the subject of artistic work of the secondary school named after M. Zhumabayev
Skill development
▪ 01.10-27.10.2018 Higher education within the updated educational content. Joint-stock company "Orleu" national training center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (240 c Certificate)
▪21.01-23.01.2020 "As a result of studying innovative technologies for teachers in higher educational institutions within the framework of updated education, they will be able to use the methods of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process and develop their skills"
"Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University" KeJSC (72 c Certificate)
▪ 17.02-22.03.2020 According to the educational program of advanced training of PPS universities, which prepare pedagogical personnel, within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", a branch of the Center of Pedagogical Mastery
(80c Certificate)
▪ Confirms the completion of the training course organized by the Office of Competence, Retraining and Career Planning on the topic "Reflective thinking - an active type of thinking that shows the process of obtaining results". Registration number 8"Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University" KeJSC (36 c Certificate)
09.11-22.11.2021 Academic painting, drawing - Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Jurgenov - 72 hours/ certificate
15.11-30.11.2021. Basics of working with graphic programs "Adobe Photoshop, Sketch UP" - Akdeniz University Turkey - 72 hours/ certificate
. 23th October – 6 th of November, 2023 Was present actively at an international seminar on the theme “Complex textile design” (72 academic hours)
Participation in symposia, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
3. Pedagogical bases of planning school work - International Scientific and Practical Conference "Foreign Policy of Independent Kazakhstan: History of Development and Priorities", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute "History, Archeology and Ethnology of the Caspian Region named after H. B. Tabyldieva" Sapanova Saipulli Zhumabayevych - 12-10-2022
5. The place and requirements of computer technologies in art. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "ETHNOPEDAGOGY IN THE WORLD AND KAZAKHSTAN EDUCATION SYSTEM: METHODOLOGY, EXPERIENCE, FUTURE" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the academician of the Kazakh Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sholpan Isagalievna Dzhanzakova 13-1 1 -2020
6. Updated educational content - modern requirements - MATERIALS of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Updated education: higher education and secondary school experience" - 12-03-2020
Full name: Sharip Yerkebulan Zhumadenovich
Date of birth: 28.01.1982 ж.
Name of the University: Nao "Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov"
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "6m010700-Fine Arts and drawing"
Position: Senior Lecturer master of Fine Arts and design department
1999-2003 Dosmukhamedov AMU
Specialty" Fine Arts and drawing".
2014-2016. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "6M010700-Fine Arts and drawing"
Pedagogical experience
Kh.Dosmukhamedov AMU
▪ 2003-2024.- Master of the senior lecturer of the Department" Fine Arts and design"
Skill development
§ "Basics of working on the graphic program Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp" 15.11-30.11.2021 G Atyrau university named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova 72 Chapel certificate
§ The branch of the center of pedagogical excellence of Atyrau city of the NGO "Nazarbayev Intellectual school" completed a training seminar in the amount of 32 academic hours on the topic "Improving the experience of teachers in successful planning of effective teaching and learning". March 5, 2021
§ Completed the course on the educational program for improving the qualification of teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan" methodology of conducting applied research " 01.04-28.10.2022 G center of pedagogical excellence "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" 80 hours certificate
CERTIFICATE Was prestnt at an international seminar on tne theme «Textile design and art» This event was conducted on tne date of 29 Decemder 2023 (online mode seminar)
Basic and additional in levels, as well as observation at the level of researchers
Development of modern methods of teaching engineering drawing, Shadow Theory and perspective lessons. Development of electronic digital resources for teachers. The use of information technologies in education.
Guidance or mentoring
Leading scientific projects of students, scientific supervision of schoolchildren of the subject of Fine Arts and artistic labor.
Educational publications
● Students ' knowledge development of dialogic learning
V Internationa scientific and practical conference Collection
● "Students on the basis of the subject of Fine Arts, Design activities include ways of preparation " Abai Kaznpu for the development of Art, Culture and for the 50th anniversary of the Institute of sports
International Art Forum "facets of the Great Steppe: art education at the modern stage". "Ulagat" 10-10-2019.
● "Professional development of future specialists in Fine Arts
The essence of the formation of skills" for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Academy of Civil Aviation
"Young Scientist: the relevance of modern science
international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists and students" problems " 2020.
● "Encourage students to engage in design activities
Fine Arts in preparation
the importance of the subject" Art, Culture and director of the Institute of sports, Ph. D., on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Professor, T. M. Kozhagulov "art arena in art education
online / offline scientific and practical
conference materials
Collection 2022.
● "Letter of thanks", L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2022
● "Letter of thanks", L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023
FULL NAME: Mazhitov Myrzatay Isatayevich
Date of birth: 08/22/1983
Name of the University: Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Academic degree: Master of Art History in the specialty "6M042100-Design"
Position: lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan
2000-2004 Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University
Specialty: interior design
2014-2017 Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University
Master of Arts in the specialty «6M042100 – Design».
Pedagogical experience
Kh. Dosmukhamedova AMU
2004- Senior lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and design
Skill development
● «Advanced training course on the topic advanced training program for teachers of pedagogical specialties of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan»," Center for advanced training" Orleu "of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 21.09.2015 – 17.10.2015 (240 hours) Almaty. Certificate
● «Basics of working under the graphic program Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp» 15.11.2021 – 30.11.2021 (72 hours) Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov. Certificate
● Advanced training course on the topic «Graphic design». 23.11-07.12.2021 Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov
● «Textiles and the art of design». Online course Akdeniz University, Turkey 2023.
● «Physical materials for creating layouts in graphic design» 23.10-06.11.23 (72 hours)
Production of educational materials and production of educational materials.
● DESIGN PRINCIPLES OF VISUAL ORGANIZATION OF THE CITY ENVIRONMENT / / scientific journal Bulletin of Atyrau State University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov UDC 747.012 No. 4(43), December, 2016
●TECHNOLOGY OF ARTISTIC PROCESSING OF WOOD IN THE MANUFACTURE OF HANDICRAFTS // "Modern Art and education. International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai" in the context of national and global pedagogical education: problems, trends and prospects " February 27-28, 2018.
● THE IMPORTANCE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION IN THE FORMATION OF SPIRITUAL VALUES OF THE INDIVIDUAL / / materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Ustaz murasy" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the owner of the order "badge of Honor", excellent student of public education of the Kazakh SSR, senior teacher - Asiya Karimovna December 8, 2021
● FUNDAMENTALS OF THE FORMATION OF CIVIC VALUES OF THE INDIVIDUAL// materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference "foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan: development history and priorities" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the director of the research institute "history, archeology and Ethnology of the Caspian region named after H. B. Tabyldiev", doctor of historical sciences, professor Saipulla Sapanov October 12, 2022
● PEDAGOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF IMPROVING INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF A SUBJECT TEACHER // materials of the international scientific and practical conference "bilimdi urpak: experience and prospects of Science and education" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of teacher, scientist, public figure, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Imangaliyev Askhat Salimovich. 2023
Guidance or mentoring
Leading research projects of students.
Participation in symposia, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of Education
● Belgesi 21-26 Haziran 2021 tarihleri arasinda Yozgat Bozok Universitesi Yozak Meslek Yuksekokolu ve El Sanatlar Dernegi tarafindan duzenlenen «Gun Dunumu Uluslararasi Davetli Sanal Sergisi» ne vermis oldugunuz degerli katkilarinizdan dolayi tesekkur ederiz
● Katilim Belgesi 2021 «II Uluslararasi Panorama Sanat Kampi»
● Katilim Belgesi 26-28 Kasim 2021 Uluslararasi Akdeniz de Guzel Sanatlar Sempozyumu Kultur Sanat Calistayna karma sergi ile katiliminizdan dolayi tesekkur ederiz.
● INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CORPORATION. KAZAKH CHIEF ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY. Educational and methodological Association of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialties of architectural, construction and Design profile "gratitude" for its personal contribution to the development of the system of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and active participation in the activities of the educational and methodological Association, 2018.
● Atyrau regional maslikhat «Letter of thanks». 2020.
FULL NAME: Tuleuov Didar
Date of birth: 08/02/1967
The name of the university: "NAO Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov"
Academic degree: Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty "6M070300-Information systems"
Position: Senior lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
Contact details:
1988-1993 Almaty State University named after Abai
Faculty: graphic arts, specialty: fine arts, drawing and labor, qualification: teacher of fine arts, drawing and labor
2016-2018 Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems
Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty 6M070300-Information systems.
Teaching experience
1994-2000. - lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and Drawing at the AMU named after H. Dosmukhamedova
2005. - Senior lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and Design
Skills development
Training program for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the joint-stock company "National Center for Advanced Training"Orleu " of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (240 hours)" Certificate dated 10/17/2015
A training course of 80 hours according to the educational program for advanced training of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions for the training of teaching staff within the framework of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". Certificate dated 02/28/2020
Akdeniz University of the Republic of Turkey basics of work on the graphic program Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp. Certificate 30-11-2021
Advanced training course in the educational program Design (graphic design). Organizer: Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts. 72 hours. The certificate of 2021
Guidance or mentoring
is the head of student research projects, an external scientific consultant for school teachers of fine arts and artistic work.
Participation in symposiums, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
• International online exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Atyrau University named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov Certificate dated 12/18/2020
• The Republic of Turkey. Antalya. Online group exhibition organized by the Municipality of Manavgat "4th International Symposium of Mediterranean Fine Arts 26-28. 10. 2021 Certificate
• Medal "For creative distinction in design art" Eurasian Union of Designers, 2016
• Diploma of the II degree of the III International Exhibition of the Eurasian Union of Designers dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016
• Diploma of the III degree. The regional competition and exhibition of artists "Patriotism is the national spirit", organized by the Atyrau Regional Museum of Art and Applied Decorative and Applied Arts named after Sh. Sariev
• Letter of thanks from the Akim of Atyrau region, 2023
• Медаль «За творческое отличие в дизайнерском искусстве» Евразийский союз дизайнеров, 2016 г.
Fullname: Muxiyeva Zhazira Amanzhanovna
Date of birth:06.08.1981ж
Name of the University: NAO "Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov"
Scientific degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology"
Post: Senior Lecturer, Master of the Department of Fine Arts and Design
Contact information:
1998-2002 LJ Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
Faculty:Pedagogy, psychology and art;
Specialty: Fine arts and drawing;
Qualification : Teacher of Fine Arts and drawing
2013-2015 LJ. Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
Specialty: Pedagogy and psychology;
Qualification : Master of Pedagogical Sciences
Teaching experience
Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
• 2002-2009 - Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design
Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
• 2009-2015 lj. - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design
• 2015-2024 lj. - Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Fine Arts and Design
Развитие навыка
• 08.07.-28.07.2020 G. Atyrau Distance Learning course duration NIS certificate
• SMM, marketing 28.09-15.10.2020 G, Atyrau
• Advanced training course on the topic" graphic design " 23.11. -7.12.2021 G6 certificate
• "Basics of working under the graphic program Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp" 15.11-30.11.2021 G, certificate
• The sphere of development of promotion and monetization of Instagram accounts, 08.08-04.09. 2020, Atyrau Certificate
• Textile design and art, 02.12-29.12.2023 Certificate
At the basic and advanced levels, as well as observation at the researcher level
Development of web applications on various platforms.
Production of educational materials and production of educational materials
2016 "Methodology for the formation of aesthetic taste of elementary school students based on the subject of Fine arts" methodological guide
Participation in symposiums, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
• YOUTH AND SCIENCE: TODAY AND THE FUTURE International Scientific AND Practical Conference 04 April 2022
• YOUTH AND SCIENCE: TODAY AND THE FUTURE International Scientific and Practical Conference April 12, 2023
• Letter of thanks for active participation in the first exhibition of girls and women "Mysterious masterpieces of Atyrau" of the Akzhelken Creative Center, 2011
• • Letter of thanks for active participation in the second exhibition of girls and women "Mysterious masterpieces of Atyrau" of the Akzhelken Creative Center, 2012
• • Letter of thanks for active participation in the third exhibition of girls and women "Mysterious masterpieces of Atyrau" of the Akzhelken Creative Center, 2013
• • The Zheruyk Cultural Center, a source of folk art and crafts, a letter of thanks for your works of art, which are growing in value every day and follow the caravan of world art, 2013
• • Diploma for participation in the art planer EXPO-2017 Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of Atyrau region, 2016
• • On May 7, among the staff of the University named after H.The celebration of Defenders of the Fatherland was held in Dosmukhamedov. In 2016, he was awarded a letter of thanks for his active participation in the Two Stars song contest
• • Took 1st place in the chess game at the traditional 73rd sports contest of the faculty and staff at the Rector's Cup of Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov, 2021
• • II was held in Turkey. Panorama International Art Camp was awarded a diploma for participation in the online exhibition of the Jury of 2022
• • "Best Curator-2022" was awarded in the nomination "Talented Curator", 2022
• • Took 1st place in the chess game at the traditional 73rd sports contest of the faculty and staff at the Rector's Cup of Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov, 2024
Yesengalieva Bibinur Salkhedenovna
FULL NAME: Karabalin Urazbay Tulegenovich
Date of birth: 02.10.1974
Name of the University: NAO «Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov»
Academic degree: Master of Arts in the specialty «6M042100-Design»
Position: Senior lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
1994-1998 Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Specialty: Fine arts and drawing.
Qualification: Teacher of fine arts and drawing.
2017-2019 L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
Master of Arts in the specialty "6M042100-Design".
Teaching experience
Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.
▪ 1998-2000 - Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Drawing. Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
▪ 2005 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design.
Skill development
§Advanced training of pedagogical specialties of universities «National Center for Advanced Training of Orleu» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
05/23/2015 240 hours Certificate
§ Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. K. Zhurgenov. Advanced training course on the topic "academic drawing, painting".
09.11.2021-11/22/2021 72 hours Certificate
§ Akdeniz University, Turkey, Antalya. Advanced training course on the topic "Basics of working with Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp".
11/15/2021-11/30/2021, 72 p. Certificate
§The QAZTEST Kazakh language proficiency assessment system. Certificate.
The release of educational materials.
1. Karabalin O. T. THE IMPORTANCE OF PAINTING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT IN DESIGN "Contemporary art and education. Materials of the International scientific and practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai " in the context of national and global pedagogical education: problems, trends and prospects" February 27-28, 2018
. Karabalin O. T. The way of research and development of the form of national furniture design. Collection of reports of the XIII International Scientific Conference of students and Young Scientists "Science and Education - 2018". Astana 2018.
3 A.K. Baidabekov,O.T. Karabalin Methods of rational use of the room space at the present time. Scientific and pedagogical journal. Engineering graphics and problems of vocational education. №3 (48) 2018.
4 Karabalin O.T. COMPOSITION OF NATIONAL FURNITURE «ТӨСЕК АҒАШ». ХIV International scientific conference of students and young people "bilim JÁNE ǴYLYM – 2019" = XIV international scientific and practical conference for students and young people "bilim JÁNE ǴYLYM-2019". Nur-Sultan 2019.
5 A.K. Baidabekov,O.T. Karabalin
THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPOSITIONAL THINKING OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN CREATIVITY. Scientific and pedagogical journal. Engineering graphics and problems of vocational education. Nursultan. The year is 2019.
6 Alzhanov Gadilbek, Smanova Akmaral, Zor Aydın, Rabilova Zoya, Ryssymbetov Yerzhan, Karabalin Urazbay
"Formation of a spiritual worldview in students of art education specialties with the help of ethno-design technology" World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2022 ISSN:1309-1506E-ISSN:1309-0348 52/90
7 THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPETITIVE TEACHER PERSONALITY. Karabalin O. T. "the legacy of X. Dosmukhamedov and modern Kazakh society", dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Khalel Dosmukhamedov. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference. April 21, 2023.
Guidance or mentoring
Head of student research projects, external scientific consultant for school teachers of fine arts and artistic work.
Participation in symposiums, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
• The International Symposium of teachers-khudozhnikov «ulytyktayyk Uly Dala group», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
• International exhibition of artists dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Mongolian Educational University.
• International Symposium of Fine Arts in the Mediterranean. Workshop of Culture and Art (Antalya) November, December 2022.Yozgat Bozok University. Jozgat Vocational Secondary School and the Association of Artisans-Turkey. GÜNDÖNÜMÜ / SOLSTICE. June 21-26, 2021.
• International Creative Symposium, «ASTANA. ART. EN PLEIN AIR.» dedicated to the 5th anniversary of Astana International University. June 6-10, 2022
• Memorandum of cooperation in the field of education and scientific research. Kyrgyz-Turkish University of Manas. 04/29/2022
• International seminar on «Textile design and art».
Certificate dated December 29, 2023
• Diploma award I step at the regional competition «Makhambet through my eyes» for 200-year Makhambet Utemisuly, conducted within the framework of UNESCO.
• Medal «For achievements in the field of design» Eurasian Union of Designers, 2020
FULL NAME: Nasibullaev Yerkebulan Bekbergenuly
Date of birth: 02/20/1993
Name of the University: NAO «Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov»
Academic degree: L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Department of Design and Engineering Graphics, Master of Arts
Position: Master's degree, Senior lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
Contact details:
Medium technical. 2008-2012 - Technical Faculty of the Modern College of the Caspian Region, specialty computer engineering and software
Bachelor course. 2014-2017 - Bachelor of Computer Science, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science of Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Magistracy. 2017-2019 L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Department of Design and Engineering Graphics, Master of Arts
Teaching experience
2019 Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Head of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, Master's degree, Senior Lecturer
Skill development
• CERTIFICATE 2014 OF JSC National Center for Advanced Training «Orleu» «Advanced training of teaching staff in the education system on the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process» (36 hours)
• CERTIFICATE for advanced training from 11/23/2022 to 12/27/2022 in the educational program "graphic design" (72 hours)
• CERTIFICATE from November 15 to 30, 2021, he completed the course «Basics of working with the Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp graphics program» (72 hours).
• CERTIFICATE OF Scientific internship 10.01.2019-20.01.2019 State of Turkey , Kastamonu , KASTAMONU UNIVERSITESI
• CERTIFICATE of scientific internship 04/18/2022-04/29/2022 Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, KIRGIZISTAN-TURKIYE MANAS UNIVERSITESI
The production of educational materials and the production of educational materials.
• Positive effects of bionic style in design with society on environment. Traditions and innovations in construction and architecture. Urban planning [Ambiglectron undeclared resource]: compendium of articles / Ed. M.V. Shuvalova, A.A. Pishuleva, E.A. Ahmedovoy. Samar. Goss. tech. UN-t, 2018, 199-203 pp.
• Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference «Heritage and modern Kazakh society Dosmukhamedov», dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of H. Dosmukhamedov, the national education system of new content.April 21, 2023 Atyrau. Publishing Center of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.ISBN 978-601-262-511-0 2023, 423-425 pp.
• Combined use of aerogel and graphene-based building materials scientific and pedagogical journal. Problems of Engineering Graphics and Vocational Education Volume 48 (2018), Number 3 ISSN 2220-685X Astana; 201833-40, pp.
• Experience in shaping the architectural appearance of the shores in the structure of the city. International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists «Bilim JÁNE ǴYLYM – 2019» = XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference for students and young Scientists «Bilim JÁNE ǴYLYM – 2019». ISBN 978-601-337-170-2 – Nur Sultan: 5472-5478 p.
• Foreign experience of the use of coastal areas Proceedings of XХХІ Internationalscientific conference ―Science of the future‖. Morrisville, Lulu Press., SBN: 978-0-359-18337-1 2018. 121-131 p
• Application of the "Bionics" style in domestic and foreign architectural design Materials of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference»Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Time". In three volumes. Volume III – Kyoto, Japan: Regional Academy of Management, 2018. – 271-280 p. ISBN 978-601-267-055-4
• Construction of a 6-parametric nomogram The XIII International Scientific Conference for students and young scholars «Science and education - 2018». ISBN 978-9965-31-997-6– Аstana: 6598-6601 p.
• Study of methods of forming a beach design in harmony with the environment . The XIII International Scientific Conference for students and young scholars «Science and education - 2018» 6528-6530 p.
Руководство или наставничество
Head of scientific projects of students
Participation in symposiums, conferences, seminars and cooperation in the field of education
• CERTIFICATE Was present activery at an international seminar on the theme «Textile design and art » This event was conducted on the date of 29 December 2023( online mode seminar)
• Katilim Belgesi 21-26 Haziran 2021 tarihleri arasinda Yozgat Bozok Universitesi Yozak Meslek Yuksekokolu ve El Sanatlar Dernegi tarafindan duzenlenen «Gun Dunumu Uluslararasi Davetli Sanal Sergisi» ne vermis oldugunuz degerli katkilarinizdan dolayi tesekkur ederiz
• Katilim Belgesi 2021 «II Uluslararasi Panorama Sanat Kampi»
• Katilim Belgesi 26-28 Kasim 2021 Uluslararasi Akdeniz de Guzel Sanatlar Sempozyumu Kultur Sanat Calistayna karma sergi ile katiliminizdan dolayi tesekkur ederiz.
• CERTIFICATE 2023 for the organization of the creative exhibition "Nauryz-Koktem" with professors and teachers of the Department of Fine Arts and Design of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.
• CERTIFICATE for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science: Present and Future", dedicated to the Day of Science Workers from April 10 to 21, 2023
Zhetybaeva Nuraina Khaliollaevna
Date of birth: 14.03.1984 ж
Name of the University: NAO "Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov"/
Post: Lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, Member of the Union of Designers of Eurasia and Ethnodesigners of Kazakhstan
2001-2006 Atyrau State University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art.
Interior Designer
General and teaching experience
▪2007-2009 LJ. - DIAR company, advertising and furniture designer
▪ 2009-2012 LJ. - “DIAR” company, director of RA
▪ 2012-2019zh.- TBVK LLP senior manager of the IT department
▪2012 – IP “Saltanat” Individual Entrepreneur, head of RA “AdvertGroup”
▪ 2023 – Atyrau University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov
▪ 2023 LJ.- Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design
Skill development
▪ Textile design and Art. Akdeniz University November 29, 2023 (Certificate)
▪ 2005 - Completed training in the Coral Draw program.
▪ 2013- Participant of the International Exhibition 2013, Almaty, as a printing specialist
▪ 2014 - Completed training to study the Arty laser machine, Almaty
▪ 2015 - Completed training to study the wide-format Bossrum machine, Almaty
▪ 2020 - Completed training on printing a UV-machine, Aktobe
▪ 2023 - Participant of the International Exhibition 2023, Almaty, as a printing specialist
▪ 2011 - has its own workshop, fully equipped with printing presses
Makhmetova Elmira Makhmetkyzy
Date of birth: 02.08.1984 ж
Name of the University: NAO "Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov"
Post: Lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, Member of the Union of Designers of Eurasia and Ethnodesigners of Kazakhstan
2001-2006 Atyrau State University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art.
Interior Designer
General and teaching experience
2005-2006 – “ADAM” Advertising Agency, advertising designer
2006-2007 - Design studio "JARDINI", advertising and interior designer
2007-2013 – “DIAR” Company, advertising and furniture designer
2013-2018 – “Etalon” Advertising Agency, advertising designer
2018 – “SATIN” Sewing Workshop, Chief designer
2022 – Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov
2022 - Lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts and Design
Skill development
The ORHUN program. Bursa Uludag University 23/10-06/11/2023 (Certificate)
Textile design and Art. Akdeniz University 11/29/2023 (Certificate)
Youth and Science: the future today 10-21/04/2023 (Certificate)
The album is a catalog of ecodesign masters in traditional and modern national art. 2022
Participant of the exhibition “Fundamentals and Materials of Advertising”. Moscow 2016 (Letter of thanks)
"Night of Museums-2023" Atyrau (Letter of thanks)
FULL NAME: Armankyzy Arukhan
Date of birth: 31.10.1999
Name of the University: NAO "Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova"
Position: Laboratory assistant at the Department of Fine Arts and Design, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
Contact information:
Secondary education: graduated from the Khalel Dosmukhamedov Secondary School with the sign "Altyn belgi".
Higher education institution: 2017-2022 Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov "Red diploma".
Faculty: Humanities and Arts
Specialty: 5B042100-Design
Work experience
2022- to this day: Laboratory assistant at the Department of Fine Arts and Design of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Skill development
▪ Textile design and Art. Akdeniz University
11/29/2023 (Certificate)