Utalieva Raykhan Sagitzhanovna
candidate of pedagogical Sciences acting Associate Professor
E-mail: r.utaliyeva@asu.edu.kz
Personal page
1993 Atyrau Pedagogical Institute Russian language and Literature
1999 Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas Economics and Management at the Enterprise
2006 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences 13.00.00-General Pedagogy
Scientific interests
Management, Тime management
Professional experience: Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, lecturer since 08.08.1993 Kh. Dosmukhamedov AU Department of "Management", head of the department since 01.09.2013
Awards, prizes, nominal scholarships of national and international scale
2016 Certificate of Honor, Astana
2018 The best university teacher, Astana
2020 The best teacher, Astana
Professional development
1. "Qualitatsmanagement im Bildungswesen" - Quality Management in education, "Innovation Management in the German Education System", Dusseldorf, 2018
2. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, 2019
3. Professional Trajectory Management (Coursera online courses), 2020
4. Managing Project Risks and Changes (Coursera online courses), 2020
5. Human Resource Management (Coursera online courses), 2020
6. The practice of conflict resolution. (Coursera online courses), 2020
7. "Modern state and local governance: problems, technologies, prospects", 2020
8. Strategic Management, Almaty 2022
9. "Organizational behavior", Almaty 2022
10. HR management, Almaty, 2022.
Courses taught:
Management, Strategic Management, Time Management
Scientific publications (favorites):
1.Kazakhstan aleumettik - ekonomikalyk damuynda tura sheteldik investyanyn rolin taldau zhane bagalau.Monograph. Atyrau, printing house "Ak zhaiyk", 2018, with 108.
2. Kazakh-European cooperation: trade and economic aspect. Monograph. Almaty, printing house "New book". 2020, from 116.
3. HR management –Atyrau, Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University: 2022. – p.150.4.
4.The Impact of Finance on the Level and the Quality of Life: The Case of Kazakhstan. European Research Studies Journal. Volume XXI, Issue 4, 2018. pp.859-874.
5. Environmental Management as a Factor in the Safe Management of a Modern Enterprise. Journal of Enviropmental Management and Tourism, Volume XI, Issue 8 (48), 2020. pp.2094-2102
Taubaev Baktibek Dzhubandikovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Economic Sciences
E-mail b.taubayev@asu.edu.kz
Personal page Education:
1959 Kazakh State Agricultural Institute Agronomy with the specialization of a soil scientist agrohomics
1996 awarded the academic title of Associate Professor Economy
2006 awarded the academic title of Professor Economy
2007 awarded the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Scientific interests: Public administration
Professional experience:
1992 AU named after H. Dosmukhamedov
Awards, Prizes, established fellows of the Republican and international scale
2005 Medal «50 years of Virgin»
2006 award for the award «For the purpose of the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
2010 Award «Y. Altynsarina» 2011 award of the 1st step «ENBEK danky»
2012 award of the honorary title «Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
2015 award «Excellence in agricultural industry»
2018 letter of thanks 1 Nauryz-gratitude, Atyrau
2018 letter of thanks Nur Otan, Astana
2019 award «Honorary citizen of Atyrau region»
Advanced training:
2021 took a 72-hour course "Theory of Public Administration", Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
Courses taught: Theory of public administration Scientific publications (selected): 3 monographs «Rational use and management of pastures of sandy deserts (on the example of the Volga-Ural sands)», «Increasing soil fertility of the Volga-Ural interfluve with a radical improvement of arid pastures of Kazakhstan», «Pasture potential and ways to increase the productivity of natural pastures of the Volga-Ural interfluves». He is the head of scientific projects – «Ways to increase the efficiency of the economic potential of the agricultural sector of Atyrau region», «Development of small and medium-sized businesses of Atyrau region»
Hursultanova Kulyan
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer
E-mail: k.nursultanova@asu.edu.kz
Personal page
1973 Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor Institute of Petrochemical Industry I.M. Gubkin Economics and Organization of Oil and Gas industry
1982 Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas Candidate of Economic Sciences
Scientific interests
Project management
Professional experience:
Kazakh Production Geological Department for Oil and Gas "Kazneftegazrazvedka", 1978-1982.
Research Institute of Research and Standards under the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh SSR, 1986 -1992.
National Oil Company "Kazakhstanmunaygas", 1992-1996
JSC "Kazakhstan Caspian Shelf" Director of the Department of "Economics and Finance", 1996-2000
Kazakhstan branch of the company "Nelson Recources Limited", business analyst, 2004 -2006.
Kh. Dosmukhamedov AU Department of "Management", teacher since 2019
Awards, prizes, nominal scholarships of national and international scale
Professional development
Certificate Center "Smart Marketing and Logistic" on the topic "Personnel Management", Almaty, 2021
Certificate - LLP "Advance Training Center" on the topic "Organizational behavior", Almaty 2022
Teaching postobie:
Operational and production management-AU im. Kh. Dosmukhamedova, 2020
Courses taught:
Personnel management, project management, organizational behavior
Scientific publications (selected):
KAZAKH-RUSSIAN CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION, // Khabarshy, Series "Historical and socio-political sciences" // №3(66), 2020, pp.265-271. (CCSON)
Yerekbayeva Ainur
Master of Management, Senior Lecturer
E-mail yermekbayeva.a@asu.edu.k
Personal page
1997 Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov Economics and Management
2011 Atyrau State University named after H.Dosmukhamedova Foreign language: two foreign languages
2004 RSE Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas Master of Management
Scientific interests
Микроэкономики Professional experience: Kh. Dosmukhamedov AU Department of "Management", teacher since 18.08.2001
Awards, prizes, nominal scholarships of national and international scale
Advanced training:
2012 passed the international program "Bolashak", England, Northam
2018 passed training courses for specialists in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 "Anti-corruption management systems" in the amount of 72 hours
Courses taught:
Microeconomics Scientific publications (selected): Zh.Abuzyarova, A.Yeralieva – The Effectiveness of Management of Public Service in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Regional Academy of Management
European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation. Casablanca, Morocco, November 27-29, 2018
Жолумбаева Р.М., Нурсултанова К.Н. – Қазақстан Республикасындағы шағын кәсіпкерлікті ұйымдастырудың әлеуметтік-экономикалық негіздері - Regional Academy of Management European Scientific Foundation Institute of Innovation. Vancouver, Canada, October 23-25, 2019
Abuzyarova Zhanna
Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
E-mail: zh.abuzyarova@asu.edu.kz
Personal page
1997 Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov Economics and Management
2005 Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov Jurisprudence
2012 M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University Master of Economic Sciences specialty 6M050600-Economics
Scientific interests
Personnel management
Professional experience:
Kh. Dosmukhamedov AU Department of "Management", teacher since 18.08.2001
Awards, prizes, nominal scholarships of national and international scale
2016 Algys Nur Otan
2022 Algys khat Regional Maslikhat
Professional development:
Certificate - Consulting company "ISO Implementation Agency", according to the program training of specialists according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016, on the topic "Anti-corruption management systems", qualification Manager of the anti-corruption management system Almaty, 2018
Certificate - Training Center "Global Professional Development", on the topic "The use of modern methods of teaching economic disciplines in higher educational institutions", Almaty 2020
С Ertificate - Way of Sciense LLP on the topics "HR management", "Decision-making in public administration", Almaty, 2022 Certificate - NAO Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the topic "Corporate Media Communications Management", Almaty 2022
Certificate - LLP "Advance Training Center" on the topics "Economic theory", "Microeconomics", "Theory of public administration", Almaty 2022
Courses taught:
HR management, theory of public administration, corporate media communications management, decision-making in public administration, economic theory, microeconomics
Scientific publications (favorites):
Eskalieva A., Yeralieva A.., Innovative development of small business as a factor of sustainable development of the Kazakhstan economy, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018 No. 4, pp.103-107 Dariskalieva M., Akhmurzina D., Investments in education and health as factors of formation of human capital, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan РК, 2019 г. No 1 pp. 86-89 Utalieva R., Effective internal communications as a result of a successful organization, Scientific journal "Sciences of Europe", Prague, No. 90 2022, pp. 3-6 Formation of management decisions:methods and models, Scientific journal «Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science», No.79, Oslo, Norway, 2022, pp. 3-5 Human resource management: cross-cultural management, Scientific journal «Polish Journal of Science», No.50, Poland, 2022, pp. 29-31 Efficiency of use of working capital - as the main condition for successful activities of the enterprise, Scientific journal «Sciences of Europe», No.104, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022, pp. 14-16 Creation of innovative projects in small and medium business, Scientific journal «Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science», No. 95, Oslo, Norway, 2022, pp. 23-25 Functions and organizational structure of state administration, Scientific journal «Journal of science. Lyon», No. 36, Leon, France, 2022, p. 3-4
Kenzhegalieva Gulbarshyn Bolatovna
Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
E-mail kenzhegaliyeva.g@asu.edu.kz
Personal page
1998 Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov Economics in the social sphere
2012 M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University Master of Economic Sciences specialty 6M050600-Economics
Scientific interests
Personnel management
Professional experience:
Kh. Dosmukhamedov AU Department of "Management", teacher since 18.08.2001
Awards, prizes, nominal scholarships of national and international scale
2018 Algys hut from Rector Taltenov.A.
Advanced training:
2020 completed distance learning 72 hours on the topic "The use of modern methods of teaching economic disciplines in higher educational institutions", the training center "Global Professional Development"
2022 completed an online course on "Teaching methods in Higher Education with the use of digital technologies" in the direction of Time Management, Higher School of Economics and Business. city of Almaty
2022 completed a 72-hour course on the topic "International Management". LLP "ADVANCE Training Center", Almaty
Courses taught: Macroeconomics, Time Management, International Management
Scientific publications (selected):
Sanalieva L.K. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Clarify the analytics. BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. A study of modern economic mechanisms for building the intellectual potential of the country as a driving factor of innovative economic development., Almaty July 2018.pp.144-148.
Abuzyarova Zh . Regional Academy of Management. Institute of Innovation of the European Science Foundation. International University in Jalal-Abad. Taraz Innovation and Humanities University. "Innovative management and technologies in the era of globalization": Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. The main principles and goals of innovative activity of organizations in modern conditions. June 9-11, 2019. Pattaya, Thailand
Dyussegalieva Bakitnur
Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer
E-mail: d.bakitnur@asu.edu.kz
Personal page
2008 Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova- Finance
2013- Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedova / Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty 6m050600 Economics
2019- Postgraduate Diploma - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov"
Research Interests/Field of Research
The main directions of increasing the competitiveness of the economy
Awards, prizes, nominal scholarships of the republican and international scale
2019 Алғыс хат «Университеттің ғылыми-зерттеу жұмыстарының дамуына үлес қосқаны үшін»
2021 Алғыс хат ректора
2022 Алғыс хат Декан факультета
Certificates of advanced training
Seminar Participation Certificate -«Research methods in economics and business studies» 2018
Seminar Participation Certificate -«Системы менеджмента противодействия коррупции»2018
Certificate –«Contemporary skills of higher education faculty» 2021
Certificate–«Методы преподавания в Вузе с применеием цифровых технологий по направлению-Управление корпоративными медиа-коммуникациями» 2022
Certificate– «Мемлекеттік басқарудағы шешімдерді қабылдау» 2022
Certificate– «Экономикалық теория» 2022
Certificate– «Ұйымдық тәртіп» 2022
Certificate– «Инновациялық менеджмент» 2022
Scientific publications
Dyussegalieva B.M. Ilyasov Nur «Арттырудағы мемлекеттік реттеудің нысандары мен әдістері» Atyrau university named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov 2019
Dyussegalieva B.M. Ilyasov Nur «Ауылшаруашылығы өнімдерінің бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттырудағы мемлекеттік реттеудің нысандары мен әдістері» Atyrau university named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov 2019
Utepkalieva K.M. Dyussegalieva B.M. «Agrarian sector of economy of Kazakhstan» Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Dyussegalieva B.M К вопросу о стратегии формирования агропромышленного кластера Республики Казахстан // Экономика и предпринимательство - №4 – 2019 г ФГБОУ ВО «Kalmyk State University B.B. Gorodovikova»
Dyussegalieva B.M К вопросу о необходимости кластерного развития Республики Казахстан/ ФГБОУ ВО «Kalmyk State University B.B. Gorodovikova»2019
Dyussegalieva B.M «Социально-экономические и экологические аспекты развития прикаспийского региона» ФГБОУ ВО «Калмыцкий государственный университет им. Б.Б. Городовикова»2019 Dyussegaliev М..
Dyussegalieva B. «Аграрлық саладағы кәсіпкерлікті дамыту мәселелері» Problems Agricultural Rules VAK magazine 2019
Dyussegalieva B.M. Nautieva Z.A. «Экономиканы цифрландыру – туризм саласының жаңа мүмкіндіктері» international scientific and practical conference 2022
Economics and management: проблемы устойчивого роста и развития- International Conference of Zhaponia -2022
Dyussegalieva B.M. Tayrova A.Zh.- «Қазақстан Республикасының агроөнеркәсіпттік кластерлерін қалыптастыру стратегиясы» international scientific and practical conference 2022
Training and methodological manuals
Dyussegaliev M, Dyussegalieva B «Совершенствование методов индексной селекции в цветном каракулеводстве» Monograph. Kh.Dosmukhamedova Atyrau University 2019
B.Myrzagaliev, M.Zh. Dyussegalieva, B.M. Dyussegalieva «Инновациялық экономика негіздері» study guide 2019
Utalieva R. Eralieva A. Dyussegalieva B.M.- «HR-менеджмент» study guide 2022